NON Breaking News Stories

Meanwhile in China…

Noway a bear would have bum fat like that, definitely a man in a costume. :see_no_evil:


Fuck me

I think I just retasted my lunch watching that clip

Coups in western Africa since 2010

February 2010: Niger
April 2010: Guinea Bissau
July 2011: Niger
December 2011: Guinea Bissau
March 2012: Mali
April 2012: Guinea Bissau
April 2012: Mali
June 2012: Ivory Coast
March 2013: Benin
December 2014: Gambia
September 2015: Burkina Faso
October 2016: Burkina Faso
December 2016: Gambia
December 2017: Equatorial Guinea
January 2019: Gabon
August 2020: Mali
March 2021: Niger
May 2021: Mali
September 2021: Guinea
January 2022: Burkina Faso
February 2022: Guinea Bissau
May 2022: Mali
September 2022: Burkina Faso
November 2022: Sao Tome & Principe
December 2022: Gambia
July 2023: Niger
August 2023: Sierra Leone

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Jesus :cry:

That clip should absolutely come with a warning or disclaimer

I believed the poster and didn’t click.


Bunch of snowflakes.

We used to get at least one broken leg a game in my day.

And played on!

Whilst smoking 40 a day

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Isn’t the worst thing that regime has tried to pass of

If any of the guys broke a leg, while playing football in their dinner time at the Fords factory, Halewood - the other guys would carry them back to the production-line and lay them across a trip hazard - Full compo that way… I heard of it happening twice in a matter of years…!!


I can corroborate that, I also worked at Halewood late 70’s/early 80’s.

Did you ever break your leg in a "work accident "?

This is the **NON-Breaking ** News Stories thread… So the likelihood, is NO :0)

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Anyone else get an erection watching that?

weirdo burn GIF

The latest Burkina Faso chap is quite a show pony. I reckon he should look at the recent history of his country to realise he’s basically just got the presidential equivalent of a teachers temp. Should open a book on how long it’ll be before he’s taken out back.

Well, it’s been almost a year.