NON Breaking News Stories

… and still do!

lets hope Sanchez makes a full recovery and continues his career as a professional footballer

i would hate for this to happen to 1 of our lads…

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Happened to Cisse twice right? Think the second time was after he’d left us

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As one of the commenters mentioned…I’m strangely relieved that this is a costume and not an actual physical alteration (you never know these days :man_shrugging:t2:)

Snapped my ACL and tore out my meniscus playing for TIA about 15 years ago.
Drove back to Scotland next day and passed it off to my work as an accident in the home.
Full pay on the sick for 6 months.

Crazy story.

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No, second time he was still with us. It was unreal bad luck, for him and for us too…

This will have a massive impact on freight transport between the north and the south of Europe, for months and maybe beyond.

Yup, it certainly Gotthard

The world has gone mad :angry:

“ Political analyst Gabriel Puricelli said that Mr Milei had managed to grab hold of a growing discontent in the country and “build an electorate” out of nothing.”

Why are people SO stupid! Just because you’re unhappy about the current state doesn’t mean a radical alternative is a better solution. This notion of “let’s try something new, what can go wrong that that hasn’t?”…a shitload more can go wrong. And it’s like nobody has paid attention to Trump, Boris, Bolsanaro.

Democracy itself needs some controls because right now it’s too easy to hijack it


Macri wasn’t bad enough for them apparently, felt like they needed to lean in all the way right?

because being stupid is much easier than the alternative.

To be fair, many Twitter users should be shot.

How have i not seen anything about a possible mass shooting of migrants on SA border?

Edit: i was on vacation last week with no internet… did you guys know about this?

How did he convince the bull to get in the car is my question.

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am sure that the Saudi’s don’t want folks knowing about such things.