NON Breaking News Stories

Hate the Saudi scum. Do them damage or hurt any and every chance you get.

It feel like it needs a thread to itself!


TBF the bottom photo is how I dress to go shopping. :+1:

Seriously though, I’d back a law that banned having your face covered when there’s no need. I’m talking about the little scallies that go around ‘ballied up’ trying to be intimidating. One day last season I’d dropped Mrs C at the Etihad for their game. When I do this I go and park up and wait to pick her up. It was the hottest day of the year and I was parked in a side street when tw little skinny scallies crossed the road in front of my car. They were wearing trainers with dark socks (pulled up), shorts, bare chested with man bags over their shoulders and balaclavas.
I did wonder what any ensuing tan lines would turn out? :joy::nerd_face:

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sound like a couple of hard cunts. best steer clear of that lot :laughing:

I stopped watching the ‘news’ on tv in France one of the reasons was the ‘experts’ they kept throwing at us. Just a pile of waffle that I could do better at. Experts grow on trees these days and know less than me which is astounding!

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This is truly fucked up!

Despicable Human Being This Guy…

Cop caught laughing at bystander killed by speeding officer: ‘She had limited value’ (

If this guy thought this was going away… He needs to get real

India demands action after Seattle police officer laughs at death of student (

Read this today. Really shocking.

Not really. Remember the George Floyd protests in Seattle? For the size of city and the ethnic composition of the population, they were surprisingly extensive and produced disproportionate conflict. For the Seattle police force, if your skin ain’t white, your life is of limited value.


Her “limited value” might well amount to a 10 figure million compensation. Not that it’s of any help to the family though.


Lock the owners up.
So many people in this country take ownership of certain breeds of dogs as some kind of penis extension.


On that theme…

Much more simple to ban all dogs. No need for them other than to stroke the ego of mankind by controlling and abusing other animals


Very amateur and inexperienced by Indian Establishment. Obviously they need some more lessons from other countries on how to conduct lobbying operations.

Agreed. People need to show accountability for the actions of their pets.

I like dogs , but some breeds like pitbulls shouldn’t be encouraged and to breed larger and fiercer versions of those is insane.

I’ve long maintained that only working dogs should be allowed.