NON Breaking News Stories

Wonder what she sees in him :thinking:. Maybe not everything is all wrinkly.


Maybe she’ll be feeding him Putin’s agenda with his custard.

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He looks healthier than Biden.


You beat me to the post but I’m sure she will live happily ever after (him)…

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Wrinkly is fine. A £50 bill is still £50 when wrinkly.

This is such a sad story, but uplifting one as well. Thanks God, the newborn abandoned siblings were found in time.

I feel for the mother, she must have been in such difficult and stressful situation or have mental health issues to give up her babies.

It is unusual to have the same parents and give up the babies at different moments in time in the same area.


But enough about @PeachesEnRegalia .


No wonder the population of Japan is in decline.

It has been 7 years today since 72 residents perished, many injured & many families torn apart at Grenfell Towers tragedy. RIP the 72, you’ll always be in our hearts and minds​:pray::palms_up_together::heart:. Govt still ignoring plans for safety recommendations. Their families are still waiting for justice.

:green_heart:Forever in our hearts, Grenfell :green_heart:



Further details:

The saddest thing is that reflects how modern urban society has absolutely no idea on how to treat animals.

A cow wandering the streets is no threat to anyone.


This is how mad cow started.


why would that even cross your mind to do that…

as COG states, this is how far away from reality we have become.

a cow, a farm animal offering no threat.



I’d disagree. The only thing it reflects is that those cunts in the car are fucking scum and nothing less than being sacked immediately will be acceptable. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anybody who wouldn’t be appalled by this.


You would have to think that the individual police officers simply must be removed from the profession. That complete lack of discretion over the use of force is only a hop, skip, and a jump away from being unleashed on some visible minority kid who does not immediately jump to obedience.


That is assault with a deadly weapon in any walk of life - Hope they get charged with something more serious than being allowed to resign early with a pension
Hope their names become well known and they live to regret what they have done for decades to come - Bastards

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I have just noticed Google is trying to copy @gasband 's art, disgraceful!

I have some stories involving animals.
Walking the Offa’s dike path one summer, north to south, all on my tod. I was on a short section that alonged a main road and noticed some sheep escaping from a field. Very worried for the sheep I crossed the road and started ‘herding’ them back through the hole in the fence. All was going very well when all of a sudden a bigger one with bigger horns decided it had had enough of me and started stubbornly staring me out.
I was full of confidence, being from Devon I knew sheep well they always turn and run, so I advanced and tried shooing this one. It had other ideas and lowered it’s head and rammed me in my knees. Completely taken aback and shocked I just stood their like a scare crow (or jesus on his cross). This fat bugger came back at me 2 times more and then we had a stand off, I must have hard knee caps.
Suddenly out of nowhere a welsh lass on a lovely horse barked at me, ‘what’s going on?’
Awe struck by the beauty of the horse, stunned by the welsh lass and shocked by being attacked by a sheep I pointed out the hole in the hedge and stopping sheep wandering on the road. The welsh lass slid off her horse took the sheep, that was still staring me out, by the horns and just threw it 2 meters towards the hole in the hedge. Realising it had met it’s match the sheep obediently trotted back into the field.
The welsh lass, obviously not impressed with my brave stand down with a sheep told me all was well and I could go. So off I went never to return.

As for calfs, young bullocks, beware even in Devon they can turn on your dog. Taking my mongrel Pedro for a walk I got to a field, which the day before was empty, and my Pedro, in his usual daft manner went running around barking like an idiot. Before I had time to get him under controll I noticed he was running back toward me with a dozen or so bullocks on his tail.
I stood there in my usual shocked manner, ‘wtf is going on?’.
Pedro arrived and just sat behind me cowering. I stood there looking at a dozen stampeding bullocks bearing down on me. Still wondering ‘wtf is going on?’ too stupid to be scared. The stampeding bullocks were almost on us now and then suddenly stopped 2 feet from me glowering and snorting. Unlike the sheep they weren’t glowering at me they looked nervous so I sent them on their way. put Pedro on his lead and carried on my walk scalding Pedro for the rest of the way.

Animals are unpredictable however generally less stupid than humans who are fuckwits. An animal in unfamiliar ‘territory’ is quickly going to become nervous and anxious, we can see in that video the fuckwits didn’t have a clue, I mean it wasn’t a grizzly now was it?


Would be good if common-sense could be applied sometimes eh.!
BTW… they have to be the worst set of ‘Lamb Chop’ sideburns I have ever seen :0)

School fines father who took 14-year-old daughter out of school for D-Day commemorations


A school has fined a father who took his 14-year-old daughter out of class to attend the D-Day commemorations.

Neil Young, a military vehicle restorer, says he informed St Anselm’s Catholic School in Canterbury, Kent, he would be taking Emily, 14, to France for the 80th anniversary of the landings.

Having not received a response from the school, he assumed there was no issue with Emily missing class to join the “once-in-a-lifetime” trip, he said.

But two days after arriving in Normandy, an attendance officer called Mr Young and asked him why his daughter had not arrived at school.

He then received an email informing him the absence was unauthorised and a decision would be taken on whether to issue £60 fines to him and his wife, Annette.

He said: “It was a bit of a blow and was not what we were expecting.

“I am disappointed in the school for being like this

“She had 100% attendance last year and this year so far.”

Mr Young says his family were invited to attend the anniversary events by the Invicta Military Preservation Society.

They even laid a plaque for Emily’s great-grandfather near the Standing for Giants installation, which has 1,475 silhouettes across the British Normandy Memorial.

The group also visited museums and three different war cemeteries, paid their respects at memorials and met surviving Second World War veterans.

Mr Young, of Shepherdswell, Kent, said: “It was no holiday and every day was educational.

“It wasn’t a trip to Spain where we sat on the beach and did nothing.

“We went to different places, speaking to new people and learning new things.

“We started at 6am to get to certain places, which we left at 10pm.

“Emily wants to do history as a GCSE. I think it is disgraceful the school has done this.”

After being told Emily’s absence was not being authorised, Neil challenged the decision with assistant headteacher Harriet Holmes.

She replied: “I understand you are upset regarding the decision of the school to not authorise this event.

“I recognise that this is a fantastic opportunity for Emily, however, unfortunately the decision not to authorise this is due to Emily not being a direct part in the activities listed above.

“Although she is experiencing these she is not required to attend and therefore we cannot authorise the absence from her education.”

Penalty notices from Kent County Council arrived at the Youngs’ home this week, giving them 21 days to pay £60 or the fine would be increased to £120.

Despite Ms Holmes making the school’s stance clear in her email on June 4, she now blames an “administrative error” for the fines being issued.

She said: “The parents are not being fined as this was an administrative error that has been rectified.

“Whilst we are carrying out Kent County Council policy, we do acknowledge these are exceptional circumstances and have reviewed the coding.”

When informed of the school’s response, Neil said: “They are trying to think of something to blame it on other than they did not agree with the absence.”


Or was that the real reason for the fine and the school used D-Day as an excuse?