NON Breaking News Stories

Cows can be dangerous, normally when they feel threatened or stressed.

So this isn’t an entirely safe situation. Obviously we should have better measures and procedures to deal with this when it happens.

cant get on board with this…

in this situation one should hide behind the old , ‘we just need better procedures put in place to follow’…which is corporate additude to never appointing blame.

a farm animal has escaped and is not running rampant down the street, shouldnt need a procedure to decide to NOT ram the thing with your 4WD

youll also note there was a second car already set up, so the officers in question havent turned up to a scene of pandemonium and started to panic…it was a decision made with a clear understanding of the situation.


Police trying to defend their actions by saying they immobilised the cow to stop it running onto the M3 motorway… which was not too far from the scene apparently - Lying Bastards - Who on earth is in charge of the HR Department that employs these morons…


If you watch the video, the cow appears to be in a hightened state of panic and agitation and is chasing a member of the public.

In my very basic view, it looks like the cops were trying to use multiple vehicles to try and herd/carral the animal until a more perminant and safe solution can be implemented but fucked it up

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Looks like Hugh Broom loves sweeping things under the carpet


He clearly doesn’t know how to handle these issues. Instead of bristling, he needs to learn to brush awkward questions aside.

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Indeed. I think his first name is a typical Graun type - it’s actual Huge (pronounced Hug-ey) Broom.

I didn’t say we just need better procedures, but the police had been trying and failing to resolve the situation for over 2 hours before this happened and the cow was likely getting more and more stressed by the situation.

Alongside any investigations, blame, and action taken against the officer in question we need to learn from it and work out what could have been done better from the outset. They don’t have any proper guidance.


:man_facepalming: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Total madness.

The future of the hydrocarbon holes.

More bad news…


This just confirms… that there are DUMB people everywhere…!

Outrage after ‘yacht fireworks’ spark forest blaze

Story by Kieren Williams, news reporter

Thirteen people have been arrested in Greece after fireworks launched from a yacht allegedly started a forest fire.

On the island of Hydra, the only pine forest caught fire after fireworks from a boat went astray, according to the local fire service.

Emergency services were able to get the blaze in the remote Bisti area under control on Saturday.

As there were no roads to the affected area, firefighters had to access it by sea and air.

The fire brigade’s crime division later arrested the 13 yacht crew members and passengers.

“We are outraged,” Hydra mayor George Koukoudakis told state TV.

“If it’s true, it is something that really saddens me.”


Make them pay for the operation and the replanting of the area. If they can’t pay, impound the yacht.


Very likely that those scumbags will get away with slap on the wrist.

Please tell me this shit isn’t real.


Sad thing is, in todays society there will be a long queue of people waiting to ask what it was that the girl did to make those beasts behave like that

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Yacht crew faces 20 years over Hydra Island fire

Story by Kamila Gurgul


A13-member yacht crew has been arrested in connection with a fire on Hydra Island in Greece. Authorities believe that the cause was fireworks launched from the yacht. The perpetrators could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of £173,000.

A fire broke out on Hydra Island, located near the Peloponnese, on Friday evening. The Minister for Civil Protection and Climate Crisis, Vassilis Kikilias, reported that the fire consumed 300 acres of the island’s only pine forest. The fire was brought under control only on Saturday afternoon. Greek authorities stated that fireworks launched from a nearby yacht caused the fire**.**

A fine of up to £173,000

The vessel left the vicinity of Hydra and docked at a marina in Athens late Saturday afternoon. Shortly after, 13 crew members were arrested. On Sunday, they were taken to the prosecutor’s office. The yacht has been temporarily confiscated.

eKathimerini reports that if the culprits are found guilty, they could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to £173,000. Earlier this year, Greece introduced stricter regulations regarding arson.


Lock them up for 20 years each. Might make future fuckwits think again.