NON Breaking News Stories

My problem here is the focus on the ‘crew’. Who gave them the orders to light the fireworks? My understanding is crew ships are not normal workplaces where you can easily ignore your employer if you don’t think something should be done. I’d like the prosecutors to cut deals with the crew so they can also establish whether the owners/guests likely wanted what happened and punish them too, if appropriate.


It doesn’t sound like that’s very likely.
I don’t know the 'law" in Greece however here in France for example even if the boat was registered as French and the crew employed by a French registered company the responsibility falls on who ‘did’ it. I imagine it’s pretty much the same in Greece.

I had many arguements with fuckwits in my last job about risks and responsibility. Even so I did feel obliged to do some things against the regulations, mainly blocking fire doors open. The situation and reasons were signalled to the employers however they didn’t want to spend the money to rectify those problems (which was essentially fitting in bells that I could hear without having to leave fire doors open. It’s very risky, if a fire broke out, passed the fire doors blocked and a client or other lost their life you are up for manslaughter. I only did this with doors I could surveille from my post. They tryed to force me to block fire doors in the shitty hotel (because they made a noise when people pushed through them) however I refused.

Just imagine on a yacht with boat registered in one country comapny in another offense in another. It all gets boiled down to local law. Even if a responsibilty case comes about a company registered in another country can not be touched until/unless ‘they’ set foot in the country where the crime took place. Just look at the problems they have with oil spillages.

They obviously dragging them all in so they can get the full story from every angle. No doubt some will be more severely punished than others… It is important that the authorities, do send out a strong message across the flotilla of ships in the area, which could very well do the same at some point…
Let them stew for a while then nail the numpty fuckers responsible

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Becoming very unsavoury now… What a way to pay homage to your own Dad eh…!

Captain Tom Moore’s daughter and her husband disqualified from being charity trustees

Captain Sir Tom Moore’s daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband Colin have been disqualified from being charity trustees by the Charity Commission, the family said in a statement.

It comes ahead of the conclusion of a statutory investigation by the watchdog into The Captain Tom Foundation, started just over two years ago.

The commission inquiry was launched over concerns about its management and independence from Sir Tom’s family.

The pair became trustees of the charity - set up to continue raising cash for good causes in the Second World War veteran’s name - in February 2021.

In March 2021, Ms Ingram-Moore stepped down to become its interim CEO; a role she held until April 2022, while Mr Ingram-Moore stayed on, according to latest accounts submitted to the Charity Commission.

But concerns grew over money earned by two companies controlled by the Ingram-Moores, called Club Nook Limited and Maytrix Group Limited, through the alleged use of Captain Tom’s name.

The Charity Commission has confirmed Ms Ingram-Moore and Mr Ingram-Moore had been disqualified from being a charity trustee for a period of 10 and eight years respectively due to misconduct or mismanagement.

In a statement issued by the family on Wednesday afternoon, the family said they disagreed with the move to disqualify them as charity trustees, adding they feared they were victims of a “relentless pursuit” by the watchdog.

And they said the length of time for the investigation to complete had been “harrowing and debilitating”.


They said: “The disqualification has been imposed without the conclusion of the statutory inquiry into The Captain Tom Foundation.

“The commission’s failure to conclude the inquiry prolongs our deep distress and hinders our ability to move on with our lives, extending the pain and impact on our family and our father / grandfathers’ legacy. It has been a harrowing and debilitating ordeal that has gone on for over two years.

“We are increasingly concerned that the Charity Commission’s process may have evolved into a relentless pursuit, and question whether it is a tactic by the Commission to make our lives more difficult, by suspending us in constant fear and mental anguish.”

The couple had until 24 June to appeal against the decision to disqualify them, but have made the “extremely difficult decision” not to appeal.

They said: “The orders of disqualification do not state that Hannah Ingram-Moore or Colin Ingram-Moore have misappropriated or received unauthorised payments from the charity’s funds, including public donations. We have never accessed or made any payments from the charity’s bank account.

“Independent Trustees have maintained full control over the charity’s finances since inception.

“Despite our vehement objections to the disqualification order, we have made the extremely difficult decision not to pursue an appeal. The profound emotional upheaval and financial burden make such a course of action untenable.”

Charity Commission chief executive David Holdsworth said: “As a fair, independent and evidence-led regulator we only disqualify someone from serving as a trustee or a senior manager in a charity when the evidence gathered means it is proportionate and lawful to do so.

“The evidence in this investigation meant that the level of misconduct and/or mismanagement was serious enough to warrant this action. People generously support good causes with the clear expectation that trustees will act in the best interests of their charities.

“As an independent regulator, it is vital that we uphold and protect this trust, including by taking robust regulatory action where appropriate, based on firm evidence.”

The Captain Tom Foundation was registered in 2020 in the month after the Burma and India veteran raised £39.3m for the NHS when a mission to walk 100 lengths of his garden gained worldwide exposure. That money raised is not part of the Charity Commission’s probe.

In 2021, he died after contracting Covid while in hospital being treated for pneumonia.

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A woman has been jailed for seven and a half years after dropping her newborn daughter out of a window because ‘she was worried a baby would ruin her career’.

She should be locked up for life.


Completely agree with you.


In a lunatic asylum

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Unsurprising, but still sad news for his family and friends


McDonald’s have appointed a new chief restaurant officer (no, me neither) for the UK and Ireland. Her name?

Zoe Hamburger. Nominative determinism at its finest.


I remember in the 90’s growing up, we had a fairly significant rise in the number of sex workers on the Gold Coast (at the time, sex work was still illegal in QLD).

This had always been fairly prevelent in Surfers, but was spreading to other areas and the lcal council and police set up several initiatives to get the problem under control. 1 of the top coppers that was brought in to help, had the surame Hooker


It wasn’t TJ, was it?


To compound it further… She probably a Vegetarian :0)

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Unbelievable… the dregs that live in our society…

Met Police officer admits stealing money from dead man


A Metropolitan Police officer has pleaded guilty to misconduct in public office after stealing money from a man who died after collapsing.

Pc Craig Carter, of Harlow, Essex, stole around £115 from Claudio Gaetani between September 7 and 14 2022.

Wearing a dark suit, the 51-year-old appeared at Wood Green Crown Court on Friday to plead guilty to the charge, which stated that “while acting as a public officer namely as a police constable” he “took for his own use money from a wallet received by him in evidence in relation to a sudden death”

Judge Daniel Fugallo said: “I have to make absolutely clear that an immediate custodial sentence seems the likely outcome in this case but that will be a matter for the sentencing judge.”

The judge ordered a pre-sentence report and granted Carter unconditional bail ahead of his sentencing at the same court on September 13.

He added: “Neither the ordering of the report nor the fact that I am granting you bail should be taken as any indication to the type of sentence you will receive.”

Carter, who works for the Met’s North Area Command Unit which covers Enfield and Haringey, is suspended from duty.

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What fresh eel tomorrow brings?


I really want to unsee that.

That’s really shocking

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