Other so-called “sports”

I subscribe to the Carlin method of determining whether an activity is a sport or not. No ball, not a sport.


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I have a pair of balls in my sack - am I a sport?

That would count out most athletics though.

“People think running is a sport. Running isn’t a sport, because anybody can do it. I can run; you can run; my mother can run - you don’t see her on the cover of Sports Illustrated, do you?”

“People say, ‘I’m gonna run down to the store and buy a loaf of bread.’ FINE! It’s not a &*%^ sport! I’mnotgonnapaytowatchyoubuyaf^&%ingloafofbread!”

Bit Joey B that!

Apparently, the death rate is higher with those guys in the ‘wingsuits’. It is death defying, but, people love to do it. I get dizzy watching, when the person is actually flying and he is videoing his whole journey.

I am wondering how are they controlling their flight path and not bump into the rocks and trees. With hangliding, you can at least control your route.

it’s a tough argument, most “sport” is played with balls of some shape or size. which, when you have thought about it, is kind of weird?

exception, maybe being badminton?

Motor sport (racing), water sport (swimming)?

horse racing - “sport of kings?”


Isnt that Polo?


played with a ball, doesn’t count

got some creeps on your mind today?

I was thinking the field events, also I can play football, not very well but I can play it.

Is Bull riding a sport?

It’s a perversion

Carlin’s definition is all over the place.

Anyone can play football or rugby or basketball, as much as anyone can run. Some of the best learnt without a ball. But I don’t remember joining any impromptu biathlons or games of skeleton luge growing up in Swansea.

I do remember finding abandoned sofas and riding them down the estate ramps, but I’d struggle to call that a sport.

What about Sport Fishing…it has sport in the title…

So does

Marzipan for me please