PC gaming thread

The Epic Store gives away 1-2 games free each week. Also has links to free to play games such as fortnite. Steam also has some free to play games such as Destiny 2 and Path of Exile.

Depending on what sort of games you like

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I’d recommend the Civilization series then. I think you can google for a good site for them

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I’ve not played wow for a few years now, probably last played Mists.

Always felt daunting to be so far behind, missing so much content etc.

Used to hardcore raid back pre-gf and kid :smiley: 24 hour fights over Kazzak and mage trains in AV ftw.

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You can probably cover the entire retail from mysts of pandaria till bfa before shadowland launches.

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I stopped playing at MOP myself. Bit the bullet again after playing the other two with private servers… :sweat_smile:

Legion was what brought me back to WoW , that was a pretty good expansion. BFA despite some initial promise is Bleh, Just waiting for shadowlands now. The game has been simplified now, both pros and cons there, still can’t seem to let go of macros for my hunter though

One thing hasn’t changed in Wow though, the idiots playing it…I played a normal dungeon yesterday just to get some quest item , And the idiots sniggering/commenting on my lack of DPS , I mean wtf…just get me my item. It’s not even a mythic dungeon.

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In what sort of time though?

I guess I grew out of enjoying questing, well actually I never enjoyed questing. Raiding/Dungeons were the most fun.

40hrs - 50hrs i’d say… a 2 week effort at the max

Levelling has been made easier.

And if you order a shadowland pre-purchase, You’ll get two maxed out(or 1 maxed and 1 close to maxed out guy now)…

So can build your main toon up playing all the quests till it unlocks…Also, There’s a level squish happening now with shadowlands and its not so much about questing anymore

40-50 hours in 2 weeks… I get probably 30mins to an hour gaming a day (if any!) :slight_smile:

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I know. You still get two upgraded chars for the latest expansion , If you want to dive in immediately… that is if you purchase the pre-launch one

But essentially it is what it is , pay for the pre launch, pay for the subscription… Expensive shit…not least if you don’t have time for it.

Free this week:

I don’t like FPS, but here it is:

Having watched the end of the Baldurs Gate 3 Early Access edition this afternoon - I can say I really want this game. I wont buy it until it is completed, but it looks like it will become one of those titles that will be on many of our best of lists for quite a while.

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Being a story-led game you kind of have to weigh up whether you’d rather come into the whole thing fresh or be happy to tinker in the opening areas for a while first. Can’t fault people for choosing the former, but I can say that I’m having a cracking time with it.

I think it’s as close to pen-and-paper D&D as a videogame has come, can’t wait to play the full version.


Anyway, the prepatch for Shadowlands is getting launched now(13th October). That makes BFA available with the subscription.

Add that to a level squish and a new levelling zone for new players or returnees , that makes levelling up pretty easy. Can directly go to BFA content after the first 10 levels.


Have to say, i wasnt giving much thought into picking up the new Destiny 2 expansion, but I am a sucker for rock music on my gaming videos

I wasnt planning on picking up Valhalla any time soon. Pretty sure my laptop wont run it anyway :frowning: .

I have the one set in Greece still to play through and the series seems to have lost its spark for me, since the original trilogy. However, watching the Valhalla play throughs, It looks awesome.

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Also the new Yakuza game looks awesome too…


I don’t get a lot of time to play games now but when I did I found Assassins Creed Odyssey was incredibly good. Completely different to the AS games I had previously played.