Post match: Leeds Utd v Liverpool (EPL 12/9/21 4.40pm)

Maybe that’s because they didn’t, I don’t know. Did you see or hear it? Were you at the game?


It’s ridiculous how on MOTD they’re still trying to say it’s not a foul. Can’t believe taxpayers money is wasted on the drivel that these idiots spout. Don’t understand the obsession with putting ex-players on when most of them are clearly thick as shite.


Tackle from behind, both feet off the ground. If that doesn’t signify being out of control and endangering an opponent then I don’t know what does.


It isn’t a true scissors tackle, the Leeds player comes in with a single foot, but ends up turning it into something like a scissors tackle at the moment that really mattered. Didn’t come in two-footed, but swung his trailing foot in late. That may have been trying to recover and get up, I only saw the one angle.

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Yeah but apparently it’s just overblown, shouldn’t have been a red card, it’s turning into a no-contact sport, etc.

EDIT: missed out, the most egregious “it’s not a foul for me”


The passage of time doesn’t diminish the sickening reality that absolute fucking crab not only played for this football club for 10 years but also captained us.


In my mind’s eye as time passes, he and Michael Owen are gradually merging into a single (extremely annoying) being.


To offer Redknapp a defence for a second, at least he was one of the only pundits to not join in the ridiculous Thiago bashing all last season. He rightly called it out then and did so again after the game today, labeling it ‘garbage’.


No he instead jumped on the Trent bashing.

He was a good player for us. Scored some screamers. And not the worst pundit either. Boring as hell yes, but don’t think he deserves that

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Every club has its dickheads, Mackenzie Swift is one also, referring to us as bin dippers. And who’s that singing ‘always the victims’ in the background?


The ‘evidence’ is two guys who are being ignored by everyone else around them?!?

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On a day where we’ve had a fantastic 3-0 away win and one of our brilliant young players has suffered a terrible injury, imagine spending that amount of time trawling the internet in an attempt to hurl shit at our own supporters. Remarkable.
Like being back in the Norwich post-match thread.


As I was told in the summer about England fans , just because it’s a minority it doesn’t mean it’s okay to dismiss it as a minority.

So far we’ve had todays behaviour and homophobic chants in two seperate matches from our fans, and every time any of it’s mentioned it’s all condoned, justified, deflected or dismissed.

I would guess the reason people mentioned Leeds fans is that you could clearly hear thousands of people singing it over the tele.

Personally I couldn’t see the gestures made by those 3 Liverpool fans I’ve seen posted on twitter so far, maybe others could.

As for wearing red and yellow Liverpool scarves. Outrageous behaviour.


Fantastic win and performance. Could have easily scored double.

Just watched a recording of the match. Gutted for young Harvey. The tackle wasn’t the most ferocious career wrecker, but it was wrong, from behind, blindside, and dangerous. Jurgen spoke a few weeks ago about the game going backwards. The intent to cut out the petty whistle blowing for nothing, to allow the game to flow, is laudable. But to the degree people are filling their boots by going too far the other way… well, you get the sense that Jurgen knew something like this was on the cards.

Haven’t seen any reports yet, but hopefully it’s a dislocation and not breaks and not too much ligament damage. Good luck Harvey.

Oh, and we look very good indeed. Filled with hope for the season ahead.


Well put.

From a purely football perspective we were excellent. Gave nothing away after that early Leeds chance while creating numerous chances of our own.

Fabinho, Elliott and Thiago bossed the midfield with their one and two touch passing (despite what some here might think :roll_eyes:)

And I love watching Matip throw a mickey fit when an offside isn’t given (he’s usually wrong on the tight ones!) The arms flailing wildly, the long legs marching independently of the rest of his body! He’s comical but what a fucking player. He’s been the defensive rock since the season began while VVD has been getting up to speed. No coincidence Klopp started him, he’s so cool under pressure, excellent on the ball and can drive into space comfortably. If his body was made of sterner stuff the rest would be fighting to be playing alongside him.

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I tend to try ignore the idiots. The bigger the club the more gobshites it has sadly. And we have our share, no point saying differently. But ours do seem to garner more attention than others for some reason.

Like every one here I love our match day fans for their wit, knowledge, fairness and passion. And when I’ve been fortunate enough to be at the match I do my bit along with my boys. And if we hear some unsavoury chants from our fans I let my boys know that’s unacceptable and hope others do the same so in time these things will be a thing of the past.


My dad is over 70 and a Leeds fan, all his life. I look forward to speaking with him tomorrow! Usually when they lose the ref somehow is to blame.