Post Match: Liverpool v Leicester (EPL 22/11/20 7.15pm

Had a quick glance of Leicestter forums(made one when their unfortunate accident with Vichai).

Most of them are complimentary of Liverpool and they’ve had defensive woes of their own and the support for Brendan is slowly decreasing. This goes on and the anti Brendan force will be up when he’s flattered and not delivered the CL football. The team is good enough to be top 4 imo same like last year , but Leicester’s fast proving to be all style. no substance.


Same here,looked at the Foxes forum last night and their postmatch thread is mainly respect towards a better team.
A few posters weren’t as nice but that’s to be expected on any forum.


Also had a quick post there when Brendan was appointed that he would be a guy who could only take them so far before they reached in with an upgrade.


Was going to look on the Fox’s fan forum then i decided they ain’t shit so why bother.


Maybe because the constant advice Carragher keeps giving and piling upon Jurgen in his newspaper columns and on social media outbursts… has been Completely Ignored…!!


It is wild - you could reasonably make the argument we didn’t have half a starting XI


To be fair they do have a lot of injuries to some big players as well.

I wish them the best, only owners to vote against PPV if I remember too.


Sorry but I read somewhere that it was only 83?

Jota made a positive run about a minute-and-a-half into the game. Realistically it was too early to draw any conclusions, but it was at that point I thought “we’re at it today.”


I have been reading so much about the game. Now it is time to sit down and actually watch the replay. This result was just so impressive. I have read from various sources that Robertson and Jota were fantastic. Want to watch them now :slight_smile:


Future Daily Mail reporter right there. Quite special.

Watching the game now, and I am actually most impressed by our Universal Soldier. Milner so good as right back ! I am sure overall, Jota or Robertson as many claim to be MotM deserves that, but take a few second and consider how difficult it is for Milner to play in all of these positions. With our injuries, with Milners universality and his exceptionally strong physique (not very injury prone, is he ?, he deserves a spot in the Top 3 in this game at least, maybe top 2 as well.

What do you guys think ? Are we not lucky to have this guy ?


A lot of praise has gone Milners way since Sunday; I was already on it years ago tbh. But yep thats the top 3 I went for Robbo, Jota and Milner. Please continue in your excellent judgment.


Don’t think there’s a single LFC fan who doesn’t appreciate Milly. He is so reliable and valuable to this team. He’s also a fantastic role model to the younger lads. Legend.


I can remember calling him gash on TIA, after his first six months at Anfield.

I’m still eating the humble pie now.


I was actually a little nervous in the earlier stages of the match, when it was 0-0. Asking a lot of him to bomb up and down the sides while also making sure that defensively he could maintain the cushion needed to ensure he was not beaten for pace. If there was a vulnerability there to be exploited, that was probably it. It took him a few minutes to adjust, but it appeared to me to be less of an issue after the first goal.

Once he shifted to replace Keita, he just went about his business.


In the mid second half now, but he has not had major issues so far. And many times, he plays that long pass on the grass to more forward player as well. He is good at starting counter attacks, not only in this game but in general. And he plays good corners, is difficult to take the ball off, defends as a Premier League category defender, and so much more. I am just so incredibly impressed with James Milner the player. That he also seem like a fantastic guy and a good human is a bit like the icing on the cake.
I do like that icing though.


Had the same flash of concern and thought how long are those old legs going to keep bombing up and down that wing; then with the injury to Keita, he moves into MF and dispels another 1000Kj and finishes the game majestically; how very wrong we were.


I never have the same concern when he is midfield. Fullback presents a particular concern because it naturally breaks towards 1v1 pace battles. As soon as he was in midfield, Milner was in cruise control.