Post match: Liverpool v Spurs (EPL 30/4/23 4.30pm)

If Skipps gets sent off the Jota incident would not have happened



I laughed my head off 90 sec later when we scored the 4th goals the pricks

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We mashed them good and proper, then fell into our own gravy. Looked like we were in the thick of our gravy when Jota popped up and splashed all our gravy on the mashed ones.
What a way to win, make it as difficult as possible then just nip/pip it at the fine line. Seems to be familiar, is that how we used to do it?
So relieved, my son and I scared the shit out of my grandchild when the winner went in, serves the 2 year old right for playing hide the football with the girls instead of concentrating on the match.



Thanks for that insight.

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Klopp having it out with Ryan after the game.

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I heard he said this

" Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow"

And then gave the card.


I saw a classic on Twitter (for no apparent reason I’ve been getting Spurs fan tweets), Klopp was disrespectful towards Mason because Mason had to retire due to a head injury.

Like if Klopp could compute all that in the heat of the moment, it still wouldn’t have been.

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3 points, almost certainly won’t get us into the top 4.great first 15-20 minutes,now for next season.
But we do need a bit of new blood!

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Just finished watching a recording of the first half (I only saw the second half and the goals earlier).

Anyway, the tackle on Diaz was serious foul play. Well worthy of a red. It could easily have broken his leg. Yellow would have been lenient in the extreme. To have play waved on, and no VAR review, suggests something nefarious with Tierney.

He is a wrong un and does not officiate our games evenly. Not by a long way.

On Jota’s yellow, his foot was up, and the player was stooped a bit. Yellow seemed deserved, red might have been given, but for me it would have been harsh.

Comparing the force behind the two challenges is like chalk and cheese.

Anyway, three points. We are putting a few results together which is good to see, but even if we win all our remaining games, I don’t expect a top four finish.


Watch the game again knowing the score. Don’t be so knee jerk.

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Casually seeing some of the comments on YT where Klopp gave his post match with Sky….


And Gapko would have wellied it into the bottom corner.

SMH. Robertson is excellent was crap today.

Watched the game knowing the score already.

  1. Sick to death of the likes of Rambler etc always trying to be so fair they actually go to the other extreme and end up being biased against LFC.
  2. If Jota’s challenge is a red card, then Skipo’s challenge is 2 red cards. Absolute joke that it wasn’t even given as a foul.
  3. Most of their “chances” were offside. Including one which didn’t get a flag and led to a goal.
  4. VVD’s defending for their 1st was diabolical.
  5. Robertson’s defending was diabolical.
  6. Klopp getting a yellow yet Ryan Mason getting nothing. SMH.
  7. How can anybody think after that game there is no agenda against LFC. To win a game we have to take ref out of the equation.
  8. Loved big nose’s face after our winner. Almost glad he scored now.
  9. Curtis was excellent again. Anyone who said he should be sold is looking pretty stupid and can kiss my ass.

So did most of the first 11…

Bray about the earlier slight?

The Skipp challenge was mentioned several times in the match thread before the Jota high boot.
The Skipp challenge was a potential season ender, that would be a red card on Kane, Rashford etc

The Jota high boot was at best yellow.
Skipp drops his head and Jota isn’t aware he is there. These things happen.

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Using the laws of butterfly effect, if Skipp got a red then Jota’s incident (which was against Skipp) most likely would have never happened.

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