Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Again, VAR the system was not the problem.

Please take your nonsense elsewhere.


No it wouldn’t have. The issue was in communicating the decision to the ref, not in making the decision. SAO still requires that manual communication

To slightly go against my comment in the immediate aftermath, VAR is supposed to be used to demonstrate the discrepancy between what the refs says he saw and what the images actually show. If the ref viewed it initially as a yellow because of it lacked the excessive force required for it to be a red, then the still frame showing YB’s leg bowed by the impact is the right application - as I mentioned above, the bowing of the leg is typically used a defacto demonstration of excessive force being used. If the ref was already clear that the impact came via the ball and they were only debating the impact then showing him the entire incident at full speed isnt as relevant to the VAR review

And that’s why an independant study of the decison making of Prem refs over a period of time needs to be done in an offical transparent way. So if refs double down like you say and take advantage of subjective decions to make the shafting seem plausible to go under the rader of the average fan, the studies can bring that into light with the anomolous data.

Paul Tomkins has done a good job of it. An independent study is now long overdue.

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Webb retired from refereeing because at an age 2 years under the forced retirement age, at a stage in his career where is was unlikely to get any more big assignments having already had the big ones once, the head technical job at the PGMOL came available. His decision was to retire 2 years early but go into a post-refereeing job, or play out the last 2 years and then hope something good comes available. It was a very understandable decision and puts his decision to subsequently leave the PGMOL and go to Saudi in a different light.

It was also the year/time he separated from his wife and three children… maybe getting away to find the alimony money was his ultimate priority…!!

It’s not THE problem, it’s A problem. If you can’t comprehend how VAR interferes and questions a referee’s judgement call by having another referee in his ear then you’re not as intelligent as you think you are.

VAR ≠ An automated system programmed to correct decisions.
VAR essentially = Darren England. It equals David Coote. It equals Anthony Taylor and so on.

Understand how VAR is used in the Prem first before labelling it faultless.

That’s already how the refs and linos engage with each other and the introduction of the headsets that allowed that is largely viewed as having improved standards

It’s also important to understand that while the VAR can hear all of the on field communication, the on pitch ref cannot hear VAR until the booth buzzes in to say there is something possibly amiss. So while we cannot rule out that refs are making decisions with the prospect of being overruled in the back of their mind, the communication is certainly not impacting their through process because that isnt how time works.


Okay lets try this one again…
Leave Spurs with the 3points either way, but have the game replayed to give LFC the opportunity of gaining back the points they have already seemingly lost… They get beat again, no one gets any points - God Loves a Trier :crazy_face:

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The resilience shown in defending this season during tough situations is pleasing. Yes, we’ve let in a high amount of early goals, but that spirit of never giving up is there that leads me to believe we can challenge for the title despite PGMOL doing their best efforts.

No other team int eh league would’ve gotten 6 points from 9 in those games.

Not only that, but the attacking side of our game is on point in those games we’ve been a man down. We’ll score plenty this season, and the defence is much better than the 2013/14 Rodgers team. Bodes well.


VAR isn’t a problem apparently…“it’s just the officials behind it”, Well that’s fucking VAR isn’t it!!!

Okay, I know it is Alan Sugar and he is not everyone’s cuppa, even he agrees with us.


LFC have asked the PGMOL for the audio between match officials.

Bring it on.


All the culprits now ringing each other up…“what shall we make up…lets all get our story straight…just stick to the same story”…


I was waiting for another apology along the lines of “sorry, we forgot to push record”


Or as someone else said…"oops the bluetooth isn’t

working…oh what shall we do…carry on no-one will notice"…

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“Get me another one from the fridge, I need a piss really bad, sure nothing will happen”.


I cannot even imagine the repercussions if the audio does not support the current story. If it does support it you would think the imperative would be to provide it as quickly as possible to avoid any doubt. That means any delay providing this audio is just going to feed into the skepticism people now rightly have.


Everton would release a DVD, about this saga.

Yeah. Good call by the club to be fair. Nothing overly contentious but significant enough to blow things wide open.


I agree, if they refuse or delay releasing the audio, it’s going to look very suspicious.