Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Let’s face it the noise around this game is to drown out our legitimate complaints.

I can get over the Curtis red in isolation. But how many corrupt decisions were there? They’re not even hiding it now.


If it had been given a red straight away, I could understand it, however using VAR in this instant only took into account the end contact not how or why it happened.

I think Hooper got it right with his onfield decision, he saw the contact, saw how it happened and decided that a yellow was sufficient, but when going to the screen seeing the damning photo that was on the screen and very few replays of what led up to the contact, he then felt the pressure from VAR to change his decision to what they wanted without seeing it again in real time.


It’s the Maca thing a few weeks back as well and some of the very obvious yellow cards he was missing, if he wasn’t booking anyone fair enough but he evidently lost it.

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Totally agree he may have made a meal, dived, on both Jota’s challenges but no need for that and we don’t want them as supporters of Liverpool if they resort racism, if they are in fact Liverpool supporters?


I’m calling it now, PGMOL will never release the audio. England will leave refereeing altogether, either mutually for some mental health reason that’s never explained, or with a vague statement about him not meeting the standards required and that the audio will never be released because it wouldn’t serve any positive purpose and/or to protect Englands state of mind or some bollocks.

And absolutely nothing else will be said further, ever.


Made this exact point yesterday. At one stage in the second half Spurs got 8 consecutive free kicks.


Also, where is Webb during games? I’d expect him to be at Stockley Park himself to oversee all this. Where is he and what’s he doing during all of this?

Somehow I get the feeling that it has gone missing due to a honest human mistake …


Agree entirely. It’s very difficult to police who turns up on social media but I would be horrified if they showed up at a football stadium.



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“Simon Hooper, Darren England and Howard Webb…”


“It was human error [someone get Neville to tweet that makes it ok]”

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I think @Limiescouse has explained above, this was even within the rules, if they are checking for dangerous play. Which is why they will seek to justify just showing the worst aspect of the tackle.

The Ev v City Rodri handball game wasn’t last season? It was the season before. :thinking::nerd_face:

So your solution is to do away with VAR and let them have a free hand to fucking up and screwing teams over, due to “human error”. Haven’t we tried that already? Haven’t we already seen what they are capable of doing especially when they know that they have a ready-made excuse?

At least now, they don’t get the benefit of the doubt. They are under pressure; they are forced to explain how they get so many calls spectacularly wrong despite the fact that they are sitting calmy at a desk having access to computers and cameras that cover every possible angle.

VAR isn’t the problem; It’s the whole inept and corrupt establishment behind it that needs rooting out. The whole setup is rotten to the core and needs to be remade from the ground up.


Because you mentioned carelessness in Udogies challenge and excessive force in Joneses, both were careless, but using what you said if they are using excessive force then surely Udogies challenge was using more excessive force as he was out of control full body weight going into Cody resulting in Cody going off injured.

As I said I don’t even think it was a foul by Udogie, but using just excessive force to determine a red card is bollox, not meant at you but a PGMOL


floating blunt talk GIF by Patrick Stewart


I like how the club is going about its business here. On a few occasions in the past I thought we rolled over a bit too easily, and I wanted to see club leadership stand up.

On this occasion the statement issued is very firm. “Sporting integrity undermined.” “Unacceptable.” And then towards the end it is laden with threat as we say, “we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.”

And now today we have asked for the audio between officials.

Bring it on. Hogan and the suits need to fight this as hard as possible, and keep it in the press. Not only the injustice of the Diaz offside decision, which everyone can see, but the farcical procedures around it. And crucially, the referee jaunts, presumably highly paid, to UAE right before the game. Doesn’t pass the sniff test, at all.

Jurgen and the team can knuckle down and use this to create a bunker mentality that will serve us well for the rest of the season, while the suits fight on behalf of LFC.


Hmm I wonder if someone is putting together a dossier of England in the VAR box games. That could be interesting.