Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

This is exactly the sort of unproductive comparison I’m talking about. It was a completely different sort of challenge with none of the same characteristics. Raising it as a comparison, with no attempt to understand why they are different, does nothing productive. It just sets you up to feel needlessly aggrieved at not getting the same treatment as someone else in a completely different situation.

From what I recall of Son’s red, he slid in from the side and Gomez’s foot got caught in the follow through. That is more often in a the yellow card category, very similar to Udogie’s. There is still a basis for giving it a red it’s just that basis is a completely different one than the one used to send off Jones.

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This ‘clear and obvious’ line in relation to reviews of red has been brought up a few times now. Is it certain that this is how the rules are written for a review of red? Or does VAR have the power to intervene for reds regardless of how the on-field ref came to his decision or what he saw?

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It being over a possible red card incident doesn’t change the criteria for VAR intervention. Given the sort of incidents that often get reviewed for reds you can see how they are often situations where the ref doesn’t see something clearly and so fit nicely into the clear and obvious category.

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Picture a scenario where we have been treated fairly since VAR was implemented.

Would we still be asking for the audio or would we just accept a monumental fuck-up had occurred?

I’m starting to think we’ve grown a back-bone and decided we’re not putting up with this shit anymore.


I rewatched it after shit hit the fan because some of the confusing decisions made more sense looking at it in that light.

PGMOL or the Premier league also dictate how they apply the rules does it not

Neither the PGOL nor the PL have the license to ignore IFAB.

What are you even trying to argue now?


If you are the owner of a recording facility in the vicinity of Stockley Park, now is the time to double your rates.


Is there any way of telling if the released audio will in fact be genuine?

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“Bow to pressure” is a strange way to phrase “do the right thing in a needed attempt to restore credibility”


Unless they at first hinted the footage would not be released. I’m sure there has been discussions today testing the water

They determine how they apply the rules what they clamp down on. Also, where is the information in using excessive force and how they determine it, I have searched and cannot find anything that talks about the angle of the bending of the foot as an example to determine excessive force, you also say it is one of the factors they look at what are the others.

The only thing I have found is advice to refs in th US where the below is highlighted

“Involving excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the use of force necessary to make a fair play for the ball and has placed the opponent in considerable danger of bodily harm.

Glad its not just me who thought it was a very strange and defensive phrase. A bit like they are been strong armed into doing it.


Why wouldn’t they…have they got something to hide???

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It is guidance for how to apply the rules, not rules themselves, and they are largely not public. But in the right places they are well reported on, both before the season starts (focusing on changes from prior years) and throughout the season as explanations for why ref’s responded the way they did. I was not aware of this specific interpretation until last week when Dale Johnson referenced it in his explanation of why Gusto’s yellow got upgraded to a red. He pointed to it again this week. You can dislike the interpretation/guidance, but it is how the refs are directed to apply the rules.

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Is he still defending the indefensible on a weekly basis? I stopped paying attention to him ages ago.


That is a pretty childish interpretation of what his column does.


Typical media…its all Liverpool being bad and pushing.