Pre Match: Liverpool v. Wolverhampton Wanderers, 1600 UTC+1, Sunday 19 May 2024

Farewell Jürgen.

Something very appropriate about his last game with us being on the 19th.


Jürgen has given up.

The team has given up.

We can’t finish higher than third.

We can’t finish lower than third.

Fuck it: play the fringe players and reserves. At least they might show more passion than the “first team” have lately.

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Also Pfingstsonntag in Germany which is the equivalent of Pentecost/Whitsun. This is a celebration of…

Oh, fuck knows. Beer or something…

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So, Jürgen to get himself sent off in the second half for drinking beer throughout the game, only to walk up into the Kop to finish the game?

Sounds good to me.


I actually found it quite difficult watching Klopp before the last home game. I might have to skip this one altogether. :cry:

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:partying_face: let’s party!

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Only 1 game left of the season to painfully endure.

Get in!!!

Joe and I are up for this one.

As you know I am unemotional at all times, but I can see myself reduced to a puddle at the end. Then again maybe watching it at @cynicaloldgit’s place will cheer me up.


You couldn’t afford the drinks bill.

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That’s why I am bringing @Flobs along as my guest.

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If you couldn’t afford the bill, he’s got no fucking chance.

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Howling! Good point. No idea how he got on my guest list.

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I’ve heard that you’re not too fussy.

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@Flobs is on his way with couscous and pork. Sadly, I have had a conflict arise and will not be attending.

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Just to put the season in context.

We finish third, miles ahead of fourth, and not that far off the top two. We’ve comfortably got back in the CL with a brand new midfield, a massive injury crisis and winning a cup along the way.

It’s disappointing to let the league slip, but it has still been a good season. It’s still one of the better seasons in recent years.


One final time:

To the glory of Anfield…in honor of the Manager…to the upward flight of the coming LFC season…and bows to the original @PeachesEnRegalia:



What’s up, arseholes?

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Hi, @SBYM!


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