Pre Match | Liverpool vs. Arsenal | PL Matchday 3 | Monday September 28th 20:00h | Anfield

not forgetting Curtis Jones too

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Maybe without Thiago on midfield? Or Jota forward?


A win is more than enough for me. Goal difference is nice but points are what is important. Will be happy with any sort of win tonight.



As long as Firmino puts his shooting boots on I’m not too fussed about anything else. Their defenders will be on their arses. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
6-0 to us or anything else that puts us 6 goals up.


Could only see that if we are flipping to 4-2-3-1. Mane on the right, Salah up top, Bobby behind him, probably a double-six midfield. But difficult to see him start the game…

It could…or it’s just pre match tactics, somehow and we will see standard first 11

Or maybe it means full kit just to annoy @cynicaloldgit.

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I think we will win. This is an improving Arsenal side, half decent shout for top four, maybe, but we are better, and will want to show it. We will look in the mood from the off.

Just want to comment on Adrian. He’s a good goalkeeper. He is about as good as you could expect for a number two. He played a big part in our title win last season, as we started off with 8 wins with him in goal. He made a mistake against Atletico. It’s unfortunate that is was in such a high profile game, against a miserly defence, supremely organized and doing all the dark arts to frustrate our boys. Be that as it may, if the forwards were at it, Adrian’s mistake would have barely registered and we’d have gone through. Still, all goalkeepers make mistakes, including Alisson. Obviously Alisson is better, probably the best in the world, but if Adrian plays I hope he feels some love as he’s a good back up to have.

As for Thiago, hopefully he plays too. It sounds like Arteta is setting his stall out to pack their defence, so we need someone who will use the ball well, and they don’t come better than him. Maybe Hendo to play the league cup game in his journey back to full fitness?

I’m thinking 3-1 to the mighty reds.

Then in the cup game Arsenal will breathe a sigh of relief when we shuffle the pack a bit… but we will whack them again, 3-1, as the secret about how good our squad is starts to spill into the open.


What kind of tests?

We’ve got to be wary. Arteta seems to relish being the underdog, different thing when they’re expected to beat teams.

This is the most important game of the season, well at least it will be until the next one. It’s an absolutely must win game.

PGMOL, no doubt smarting from the drubbing their masters’ peons received last night at the hands of brenda’s lestah, have appointed craig “no pen for the Redmen” pawson as the man in the middle, whilst andrea “peaky blinders a bat” marriner is on VAR. Obviously an attempt to do down our Mentality Monsters.

And up for it we must be if we are to prevent elke martita, and his arsonists from making it three wins in a row.

Boudica, fully recovered from last Thursday’s episode of lassitude, has gone all out with her rituals that included, but were not confined to, acutomancy, roadomancy, scarpomancy, emonomancy, necyomancy, avimancy and lychnomancy.

Once more, the Mem has left nothing to chance.

As for that most recent contretemps, why is it, I seem to hear your indignant voices demanding, that no further mention has been made of that exchange?

The matter is susceptible of a ready explanation. It is one of the chief drawbacks to the lot of the conscientious historian that in pursuance of his duties he is compelled to leave in obscurity many of those events to which he would greatly prefer to give centre stage. His task being to present a panoramic picture of the actions and events surrounding any number of protagonists, he is not at liberty to concentrate his attention on any single event, however much the latter’s hard case may touch him personally.

Suffice to say that my subsequent communication with the Mem was somewhat less than cheery, such, that when I speak of some distressful stroke, that my youth suffer’d, she gave me for my pains a world of sighs. She swore, in faith, twas strange, 'twas passing strange, 'Twas pitiful, 'twas wondrous pitiful. [exeunt stage left; divers alarums]

Once again Lawro has gone carpe jugulum, reminding us of arse’s victory back in July, while predicting a 2-0 victory to us, the b@stard. When will he stop trying to stitch us up?

Hopefully his attempted kiss of death won’t throw a spanner in the works and upset the apple-cart. :roll_eyes:

I’ll take a scrappy 1-0 win to us. :astonished:


Through a glass darkly…guiness ought to do the trick …verily may the mists clear and a couple of Liverpool boots connect sweetly with the ball into the back of their net.
Forsooth and all that, or at least a player with ‘ino’ in his name score a screamer…


The transition from Hegel in the 7th paragraph (some may call it a stanza even and I wouldn’t object) to Dickens in the 8th is brilliant.




And then, of course, we have our resident Ingmar Bergman. The forum is an absolute joy today.


This is the new “Smash them…” for this season :face_with_monocle:

Edit. Additional*

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Nah, we had this all of last season too, on’t TIA forums m8.