Pre-match: Manchester City vs Liverpool | EPL, Saturday 25th November, 12:30 GMT

At what point does revealing evidence of medical reports to the PL become a question of protecting the integrity of the game over a piece of personal information…

Faking an injury is essentially a form of cheating right?


To my mind the player should have to travel away on international duty to be assessed by the international doctor. If it is a routine injury, requiring routine treatment and some rest, they can rehabilitate on international duty while cheering their teammates on.

If it is some sort of rare disease, and they are bunged up in a hospital bed, and only one doctor in Manchester has the medicine, or let’s say, only one doctor in Spain has the right formula for the smoothie, then paperwork must be submitted to the Prem.

It is a form of cheating, by getting rest into your players ahead of their likely toughest home game of the season, while our boys traveled to the four corners of the globe.

I hope we rise above it all and smash them anyway. 23 wins on the bounce at home. Good. They are due a defeat then.

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How is it cheating? Been happening for decades. It could be described as unpatriotic, or letting their country down, but they don’t have to play if they don’t want to. Clubs pay their wages. Like I said I wish our players dropped out more often for meaningless games.

I acknowledge I’m biased as totally disinterested in international football


He’s an ugly big cunt!!!

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But we’re talking about Haaland, not @GermanRed.

Haha @GermanRed

Except that FIFA has laws ensuring players getting called up actually do turn up.

If the national team FA lodge an objection with FIFA, then a player can be banned from the number of international games they missed, so if Norwar pushed FIFA, Haaland could be banned for 1 game for the Scotland game that he missed. The problem is to many of the FA’s get scared of challanging the big clubs and also get shit scared of questioning their own players.


Kovacic didn’t even join Croatia’s squad, he was ruled out immediately after the Chelsea game. Konate picked up a niggle as he was warming up in Toulouse, at least that’s what Deschamps said.

How do you imagine (or explain me, if it’s proven) that works, that players have the same minimal or non existing motivation, like on these forums, to play for their national sides, or they all negotiate? Club, national team, player. You play this or that much during this international break, fake an injury here, get rested there.

Mbappe played 90 minutes in a 14-0 game against Gibraltar, in which he got 3 goals and 3 assists. Got another half an hour off the bench against Greece.

Who cares what reports say anyway. We can believe it or not because we’re fans, we don’t play the game. We don’t have to prepare if it’s Kovacic, Bernardo or Akanji in midfield. The main thing is that the team is well prepared, both by information what the opponent might do, when we get the team sheet and on the pitch.


Give him a break, it’s difficult to enunciate when you are intoxicated. He must have been high as a kite, given that he also claimed that they are innocent.

Looking forward to seeing our new player Graverner tomorrow though. (I won’t even try and spell what he said for szoboszlai).




Aye, who needs Szoboszlai when you got Szbolasie.


That Mane smack into the top corner is still one of my fav goals.

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Needed more Sadio kicking Ederson in the head.

What a game this will be. The football fan in me is salviating. The Liverpool fan in me is tbh a bit more fearful as I think they are, on average, a better team than we are. But we can beat them soundly on a good day and I really think we will play with our heart outside the shirt and give them a hell of a game. I am sure it will be a wonderful game for the neutral football conniseur too. But for us, I think it might be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster unless it’s a perfect day for us (in which case we could theoretically beat them 4-5 to 0 if they have an off day).

Crossing fingers and toes for a good result ! !! :slight_smile:


To me we are in better shape than we have been for a while but away we’ve never really done it though on occasions we’ve come close (bar that CL night).

I see it being quite cagey, won’t be disappointed with a draw but let’s see if we can win.

Serves as the first of my treble for Saturday with the Doctor Who special and Survivor Series later. I’m a geek yes.


Same. He just sort of slowed and almost stopped, and it looked like he was weighing his options, whether to pass or dribble, or just smash it with his left, chopping across the ball a bit too, sending it right into the top corner. Good choice Sadio!