Premier League 2022/23 (Part 1)

i would have picked zola or juninho instead of de bruyne but it wasn’t an option i don’t think

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Mendy should probably feature as well as Greenwood.


Diouf! Barton! Essien! Diego Costa! Collymore!


Barton was a dick on the pitch and his odd comment off it isn’t great but he has also said some some positive things.

He isn’t beating up women (that I know of), those his ugly girls comment wasn’t great (seen worse on here mind).

Some are dickheads some are just generally horrible.

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He can’t believe it either judging by the look on his face.

perhaps he could manage the team then


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I don’t know anything about Malacia, but the others sound like upgrades to me :rofl:

I’ve made a few controversial picks:
Suarez over Mo because of his sheer variety and the pace and power of the other two (Henry - the greatest player of the PL imo and Ronaldo because he was deadly in those seasons before Madrid) needs a foil. Bergkamp could be another shout. Shearer didn’t impress me as a big game player - more than a few similarities with Harry Kane there, imo.

In midfield I’d loved to have put in Xabi but Gerrard and DeBruin are very hard to leave out and Vieira was a better player than Keane for me especially as the game got quicker and more technical.

At the back, I think Dennis Irwin is grossly underated - can play LB or RB; super reliable and fit but (unlike Andy Robertson) also scores free kicks. Trent is in but it’s touch and go - I think when we look back on his career he’ll be a cert but there are still some question marks about his defending. Virg obviously and as a partner could have gone Kompany but felt Rio was at a higher level for longer and also played for a team that didn’t always flib Europe.

As keeper, I’ve also controversially gone Petr Cech: When he started at Chelsea he was unbeatable and really was head and shoulders world best keeper for 2-3 years. In a more modern team Allison would get the nod for his ability to play out from the back (could never pick that city thug) but I just wanted to try and have a slightly more rounded selection of teams represented.


I rate him a little shit stirring cunt. But i do love a shit stirrer if they’re on my team


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Good on him. Hopefully this is one more step towards discrimmination in football becoming something from the pages of history


or is he the only one that makes a big show out of it? perhaps others are there but using inspector clouseau disguises?

Not sure why is t needs to be talked about… making a big deal out of something is often what causes issues in the first place.

Not against it … just hate the way stuff is reported.

I liked Moyes’ post match press conference, when he talked about City’s full backs and the problems it caused them. Often, I feel managers don’t mention the tactical stuff that much, maybe because the questions they get are more focused on things that gets the reporter an easy headline, or just a particular situation.


I didn’t see that interview. Did he say that City’s full backs should be causing problems, seeing they cost more than most countries’ GDP?


to be fair you don’t need to spend a lot to get a full back to cause problems.

we love you ALBY!

It certainly brings those who believe it to be a problem out into the open.


i get that but if we just get on with life and not make too big a deal of things then there will be less of an issue. If a person wants to go to something (any event about anything as long its not illegal) and posts pics etc of themeselves whilst they are there then brilliant - thats what folk do.

It is the media that have caused a lot of these issues in the first place.

The problem is that there are some that will make a big deal out of anything they see as different.

By having a player openly embrace difference will show that it is not something to be targeted. Yes it will take time and more players to do similar, but that is only a good thing.


I don’t believe it works. IF things change on certain subjects over generations it is down to education and not about posting things on social media.

I don’t subscribe to the ‘look at me look at what i am doing’ type of thing. comes across as PR stunt rather than genuine reasoning.

just my opinion of course