Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

We were constantly shafted before VAR. We have been constantly shafted since.

VAR isn’t the problem. Bin PGMOL.


The technology isn’t the problem. Independent VAR officials with more transparency around decisions.

Also the ability to overrule the referee’s every card and not just make a suggestion.

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VAR actually got that one right. It was the incompitence of the users that caused the issue with Diaz’s goal being ruled out.

VAR has been implimented in other sports with almost no problem, yet football spent years dragging it’s feet and resisting the implimentation of it and funnily enough is the only sport that has seen the usage of it become a complete shitshow, could the 2 be related?


It’s NOT the VAR, it’s the scumbag sitting in front of the screen.


Shots fired by Klopp

I think they are voting about how VAR gets used because it is definitely not right. These people are not capable of using it properly. VAR is not the problem. I would vote for scrapping VAR the way it is.


This. The technology is sound, but it’s interpretation by corrupt or incompetent operators is an ongoing disgrace - especially so if you are playing against certain teams. Between VAR and the corrupt refereeing, we have been fighting a battle we had no hope of winning. Not just us either. Unless your club is Manchester-based, you’re truly up against it.


FIFA can bar a national association from sanctioning a match played by non-registrants in the host association.


You just so wrong. We would have won a lot more if we had VAR to counteract brutal decisions by linesmen and refs that have gone against us in our games, as well as decisions that have effected our opponents favourably while not playing us. At least with VAR it makes this scenario a lot more difficult to get away with, if at all.

The line is useless, they need to follow the CL style where that should a line that has height as well, so you can at least see what offside body part is. Ian Rush is glad this was not around in his day.

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The whole offside rule needs revision.

My preference is that if the attacking player’s rear heel is offside, he’s offside. All the armpit and nasal hair crap is shite.


I like the idea (my idea obviously, because I’m brilliant) that the same team is used for every VAR decision that day. This will help prevent VAR team 1 giving a foul while in another game VAR team 2 doesn’t give the exact same foul. Adds an extra layer of fairness to VAR decisions. The likelihood that two VAR decisions are needed at the same time is quite small.

I definitely agree it should be based on foot location. Make one point of reference for all decisions. If you time your run so well that your body is leaning into an offside position while your feet are behind you then nice job.


VAR monitors the whole game not just when called on. It doesn’t operate like that.

Have you been living in some alternative universe since VAR was introduced fella?

Unless I’m mistaken VAR was being used when Jackson handled the ball at Chelsea first game of the season. It was in use at Spurs, not going to waste my time listing every VAR-based abomination that day. In use at Brighton for a non-sending off. In use for Odegaard’s hand-ball at Anfield. In use for the Doku assault against City. In use at Brentford for the non-penalty on Jota.
That’s just this season. I could list similar for every year it’s been in operation.
It was in use when Rodri handled it at Goodison. It was in use for the numerous soft-as-shite penalties City have been gifted the last few years.
Go and listen to what Jurgen Klopp has said about it today. He’s either calling PGMOL incompetent or corrupt without actually saying it. My money’s on the latter.

I’ll agree with you on one thing. If it was in operation in Basle for the Sevilla final or Kiev for Madrid things might have turned out differently. But that’s because the likes of Coote, Kavanagh, England, Tierney or Taylor would have been nowhere near it.


Wrong. It’s fine. The people are faulty.

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So you saying that once VAR vanishes, all these things you mention above will go our way? You have an enormous amount of confidence in our refs and linesmen. I think the mistake that you and a most of the anti-VAR supporters are making, is thinking that match officials solo, are better than match officials and VAR. In the world I am living in, not even close.


Yup, it’s why I’d rather they slim it down to stuff like this semi automated system and the goal tech.

They are incapable of being trusted but at least with some semi automated system you at least are just left with their incompetence/corruption on the pitch.

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One of the examples of “not being able to celebrate a goal” comes from the Everton one a few years back.

But even a blind dog could see that was offside.

Without VAR we would have had them win on that occasion because the linesman was shockingly shit.

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The “not being able to celebrate a goal” is also a non starter for me. I remember plenty of times pre var where I have celebrated a goal, ran around the room, woke up the dead, just for the camera to zoom from the celebrations to the linesman who belatedly putting up their flag. Now I celebrate twice most of the time, and also celebrate when our oppositions goal is ruled out, so with that argument, I now celebrate three times as much with var.


I don’t know if you’re trolling me but I’ll go along with it anyway.

I have zero faith in our refs and linesmen. I think 6 or 7 of them are corrupt. Bent as a dog’s back leg. I have stated that on these boards more times than I care to remember. There are others who are clearly incompetent. Some are corrupt AND incompetent.
I wanted VAR. That’s because I naively thought it would put an end to the constant shite decisions we were suffering and I stupidly thought we’d get an even playing field. Instead they’ve used it to shaft us in ways I never thought possible. Then they’ve wheeled out Webb to gaslight us on national tv.
We’re fucked. They can screw us on the pitch or they can get whichever PGMOL monkey is the VAR to arrive at whatever conclusion they want to fuck us over. We literally can’t win.
This is why Liverpool Football Club openly backing the use of VAR makes me sick to the stomach. Turkey’s voting for Christmas. Please dry-bum us some more Howard.
Our own fucking manager has basically called them out on it today. I’ve no doubt he’ll have a lot more to say on the matter in the future. At the very least the club should have STFU on the matter instead of endorsing the system PGMOL have used to cheat us out of titles.