Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

We were cheated out of titles before VAR came along.


Not trolling at all, I feel like Iā€™m just pointing out the obvious. If there is a choice tween no VAR or VAR, then the choice imo, for the sake of fairness for us, it has to be VAR. VAR, undoubtedly has to improve, and it has, and going forward just donā€™t expect it to be a completely smooth upward trajectory.


Exactly my pointā€¦.human involvement will mean inevitable clusterfuck at times. Exhibit A Diaz.


For me personally, it robs the game of joy. Itā€™s difficult to celebrate a goal uninhibited without hesitation when youā€™re never entirely certain of what youā€™re watching and the process of working that out is a long and tedious one, especially in the Premier League. It feels like itā€™s only added to the toxicity in the game, as well.

Iā€™ve no hope itā€™ll be scrapped. Weā€™re too far down the road. But hopefully with improvements it can become at least bearable. I think some kind of coachā€™s challenge system might be worth looking into, rather than combing through every single passage of play to find a potential fault, but thatā€™s not going to sit well with the egos at PGMOL.

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Its not going to be scrapped.

And as long as its open to interpretation it will be abused by biased or cortupt officials.

The thing is, whilst their shafting of Liverpool (and others) was questioned pre VAR, they used the technology to cover themselves post introduction. Simple decisions became complex, all in the name of attempting to confuse the very essence of the game, the supporters.

Every questionable decision was met with more layers of nonsense. We were told on countless occasions, thatā€™s not what VAR is supposed to do.
What was it introduced for?
To ensure fairness?
Well, it fucking didnt.

Its not just Liverpool, but we are the supporters of the club that is by far more effected. Man City do not get shafted. Arsenal got done with Newcastle early season, but got away with Odegaard playing basketball at Anfield. They even out you seeā€¦

@jaffod is correct.
Liverpool have an opportunity to canvass for it to be scrapped. Then, as a last minute reprieve propose a set of standards to hold the VAR accountable.
To the clubs.
Scrap PMGOL.
Sack half the current cohort, especially the ones who fly to ref matches in owners back yards.

Start again.

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Itā€™s like everyone has forgotten life pre var. There were just as many controversies and the teamā€™s fate was just as much, if not more, in the hands of incompetent fools.
There will still be TV replays which shine a glaring light on mistakes and even then they wonā€™t be overturned, no matter how obvious they are.

Itā€™s not the technology, itā€™s the personnel.


I donā€™t think we have forgotten pre VAR.

Our hopes of fairness post introduction have been obliterated though.

Perhaps we thought that VAR would ensure fairness and accountability. We should have known.

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In general, it has increased fairness. Obvious errors have been overturned, but the incompetence/corruption of the officials remains. As long as unaccountable badly trained fools are interpreting the data there will continue to be problems.
Thatā€™s where the attention should be, not on var itself.
I wish JĆ¼rgen had called for a root and branch reform of refereeing instead of blaming the technology.


He pretty much has said as such. VAR isnā€™t the problem, the idiots and cheats using it are the problem

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I read Kloppā€™s comments as the technology isnā€™t the problem but since the people using the technology canā€™t be trusted , its better to not use that.

I think heā€™s lost faith in the system. The system has screwed us over so many times that it has played a huge role in him getting jaded and essentially making the decision heā€™s done. He doesnā€™t believe that the corrupt and incompetent PGMOL can be fixed. For him , itā€™s easier to live with a umpiring howler happening in real time than take 5 minutes , show replays etc and still do howlers.


Iā€™ve said a few times, I reckon Jurgen is leaving because hes sick of fighting with one hand tied behind his back, and has got an inkling that Abu Dhabi are going to receive the weakest punishment imaginable.

I really hope he reveals some home truths once hes clear of any punishment.


Odegaard playing handball should have been spotted on the pitch.

This is the problem they have no issue ignoring it on both occasions and then pluck threshold out of their arse.

Revert it back to offside with the new system coming in and to double check Goal Line tech thatā€™s it.

Semi automated seems to have worked fairly well in Europe this season and also in the leagues that have adopted it from what Iā€™ve seen.

Youā€™ll see examples and there will be examples going forward but a knob who canā€™t use excel let alone software to draw precise lines isnā€™t to be trusted.

Yes the judgement of when the ball is played still has to be made but the rest seems more precise.

And letā€™s remove whether the goal benefits someone we like or not. Personally the Coventry goal though much closer then I thought on the eye looked like it was off originally. If in doubt he should have flagged at the point of a goal.

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Rumours of Bayern

Make It So Star Trek GIF

Oh they deleted it.

Anyhow announcement that De Zerbi was off.

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His comments over the last couple of months have been odd. It was like he was trying to manufacture an excuse for leaving when no one in the footballing world, probably not even brighton fans, would begrudge him leaving for a role like any of the ones he was being linked to.

Still, heā€™s likeable enough and it will be interesting to see what he can do at a club like Bayern


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De Zerbi off to Juve maybe?

Mottaā€™s been offered a 3 year contract to take over at Juventus, so if he turns that down, I could see Juve being on the cards, seeing that his wife is still in Italy. However, Bayern, Barcelona, or Man Utd could be the possibilities for him.

Damn, forgot that Motta had already been offered the Juve job. I hope he is smart enough to stay well away from the Manc job - that place seems to be a real career killer these days