Racism and all the bad -isms

Not a conscious racist? What is he? In a coma?


Surprisingly not after those comments.
More than one of his players would have been entitled to knock him the fuck out but showed more decency than he did.


Well sounds like he could still come out with this shit in his sleep.

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All those comments sound like the kind of thing someone would say just before saying “But I also take the piss out of white people! I take the piss out of everyone!”

…im not a racist, but… have you ever noticed…

Mairi - Telling it as it is…

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sad fucking state of affairs, that. bunch of keyboard cowboys.

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Hilarious, but we have to stop generating ‘news’ out of a vanishingly small number of Twitter users totally missing the point of something.


Why? It’s such fun :slightly_frowning_face:

Twitter no different to any form of social media, good, bad & ugly

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How dull. I want to see nutters getting upset about nothing.

Stay here then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thought it was relevant here as an example of good progress.


Another example of the real limits of Cancel Culture once you remove the hysterical rhetoric

It’s awful how Louis CK was cancelled. Maybe him and Dave Chapelle should do a Netflix special about it.

the sarcasm was strong with that post on TikTok/Twitter

Hold my beer.