Racism and all the bad -isms

And you’d presumably like to back to the 17th century?

Clueless, another of your friendly references. I’m sure you’ve been on many courses that explain why people like me are clueless. More fool you.

My friend you have to start looking at the world outside your narrow scope. Your vision of wiping the slate clean is literally for all the black and brown people to stop making a fuss and going on about it. I’m not being funny, but that’s just about the worst take I’ve ever heard on the subject. Please stop for your own good.

Funny thing. The only person that goes ott about this on this forum is neither black nor brown and is, infact, you.

How is this different from saying, “I can’t be arsed to change to suit anyone, so up yours”?

If we could we go back 800 years that would really suit us lot over here.

USA? How’s that giving all the land back to the indigenous peoples project going?

By the way you all should be glad I and some others are here to maintain the racial and colour diversity quota in this forum.

There isn’t. The tragic thing is that he doesn’t understand how racist that notion is, and would be gravely offended if it were suggested in those terms.

How about all of society changes its speech and actions to not offend 0.000001% of the population? Nah, that’s a stupid idea.

can you at least concede that you can see the detrimental affect of unequal standards.

i can fully understand your position, regarding levelling up…but in an attempt to level up, are we just creating a bigger divide.

take kids sport for (local) example…with the subject being sexism, not racism… my daughter played in a mixed team up until last year, one game (out of about two years mind you) the girls on her team were insulted by an oposition boy ‘no wonder we are beating you, you are just girls’…to which there was genuine confusion from one or two of the boys in our team.

how good is that…so innocent, the girls didnt want any levelling up rules, and the guys didnt understand the insult…litterally didnt understand it.

imagine if the girls were allowed to run around with the ball in their hands as a ‘levelling up’ initiative…the effect would be detrimental.


Well, you go through life crusading for zero offence. I’ll be questioning what is offensive and who’s judging it and if it actually matters. Seems the better course of action as I woke up this morning identifying as somebody who’s offended by socialists so could you please stop posting? It might wear off tonight, I’ll let you know.


Ah, OK, we’re fucked on that one.

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And I will look forward to the outcome of this exhaustive study being that what you think is fine, is fine.

You’re basically like PGMOL investigating itself and finding that it’s sound.

Aren’t you part of the majority ethnic group in Singapore…?

That would be great… In a society where the sexes already are equal.

Yea I am here to experience life as a minority

new year taiwan GIF

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Surely, every married man knows that we shall never gain our equality with women.

You dont need to be married

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You need to get your emotions in check so you can understand the point being made.

  1. They are examples showing your double standards. You seemed to be saying casual racism and outright racism is fine as long as is it’s not against black people. Isn’t removing all forms of racism the key to everybody getting along?

  2. I suppose you have a great solution in mind for equality, world peace and the like, considering your criticism and disdain for other people’s opinions. Please share it.

  3. If I was a black person I would be genuinly offended. You (maybe unknowingly) are painting them as weak, defenceless victims who need a leg up in life. The black people I know are too busy living life than to be crusading for well I don’t how you’d go back in time and rewrite history, unless you’ve managed to invent a time machine.

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