Racism and all the bad -isms

It’s all good.

But Mascot and Limescouse you guys, just like myself are not the authority on racism, although you kind set yourself up as if you are. I frankly don’t care about your PC nonsense. You don’t know me or how I treat people.

I can respect Limescouse’s way of discussing things, but Mascot, you are dripping with sarcasm, and dangerous little insinuations and you guys see racism in things where there is none.

Anyway, I will be leaving the discussion here. Obvilusly, you’re both free to respond to this comment, but this is my last one in this thread.

More nonsense on football pitch. Until they start jailing people, hitting clubs with point deductions, no one will really care. Deducting points will also suddenly mean there is vested interest for The majority of the fans who are just good people and wanting to just support the club. If they want their club to be free from these idiots, then they need to be their own police in the stands.


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I’m being far more polite than your awful ‘if I were a black man…’ line of argument deserves.

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I note you never replied to this @Mascot

That’s right. I didn’t.

Can’t think why.


a) I was busy
b) The conversation had moved on, and as bad tempered as these get it was best to leave it dead
c) neither your question of my answer would have added anything, changed anyone’s mind or been received by you and a few others in good faith.

Therefore, I declined. You can read whatever you want into that. It’s a particular habit of yours.

I can read that you were absolutely fucked no matter what your response was. You knew that so you didn’t respond. Just easier to say “Yeah, stupid comment”


I love the niggly insults, they’re such fun.

@1972 wanted the discussion over. He had his last word. Since any continuation on my part would have dragged him back in, why would I carry on?

I know what I think, and I know how I would reply to such a comment. But I’m not a cunt, and I know how hard it can be at times to retreat from these debates. I’m not going to keep the bad temper going for no reason. At the point where the person you are arguing with no longer wants to continue it’s best to stop so everyone can have a breather.

You have your share. Don’t act like you’re an angel.

You’ll claim the moral high ground and then twenty minutes later you’ll call me a communist, who goes to bed with a poster of Chairman Mao over my bed.

Except it’s not all we have to do, that’s the problem. It’s only one part of the matter.

And there are many people who would like to teach otherwise, so there’s also that.

It honestly says a lot about today’s society and the way it’s been polarised, that such a statement makes me automatically suspect that the person making it harbours implicit/subconscious racist attitudes, but is in complete denial.

What a world we live in when simple, basic respect is “PC nonsense”.

Hmm, respect your right to have this opinion. But this statement makes me suspect you of being very judgemental. You’ll be the type trying to get more women to be car mechanics even though most women are not interested in it.

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Why not? I thought I could be anything I wanted to be and you’d support me?

Do you have to practice being this fucking tiresome, or does it come naturally to you?

Part of my fabulous array of talents.

Isn’t it about time this thread were closed?

It was completely predictable that it would descend into something like this.


Would just spill over into other threads… better contained here?

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