Racism and all the bad -isms

Make sure you tell me what he said :sunglasses:

For me all institutions (countries, regions, businesses, education systems, social groups and indeed families) are systematically unequal. With that in mind is it so hard to believe in inequalities across age, gender and “race” within institutions?

On another note, as bizarre as it may sound, besides/alongside reducing societal inequality, the definition of an individual is going to be key for societies to maximise their potential. Current definitions seem to confine individuals rather than, as it should be, empower them.

You didn’t get my point. On the one hand there’s a complaint that it’s just (white, middle aged, tofu eating lefties)constantly getting offended on other people’s behalf. So that’s bad. But when it’s people directly affected by something ‘confirmation bias’ and having a dog in the fight is used to somehow discredit. Pretty convenient, all bases covered.


Where would be the fun in that?

Oh and BTW, being owned does not get degraded by a cheap “silly rhetorical trick”

Just for your information.

I love how often you think you’ve conclusively won an argument. It’s really quite endearing.

I think most of us have heard these stories, but as even the RW piece you shared (RW being relevant because they have a vested interest in perpetuating scare stories about the “madness”) goes on to say “those prior claims were hoaxes, but this one is completely true”. It just doesn’t give any evidence that it is true. It speaks to primary sources, yet then when linking to them actually links out to other secondary sources repeating each other. This is exactly the pattern you see when online sources jump on a made up story. So, lets just say that my scepticism of this being a real story is incredibly high.

But let’s take it on face value and assume the story is true - there is a kid in Australia “claiming” to be a cat. All the pieces that are circularly referencing each other describe it as the kid acting more like a furry than claiming it was an identity. That sort of thing is generally not included under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. It certainly isnt comparable to gender nonconformity. The latter is something where we have historically treated something as binary and with certain determinative causes, but both of which were more rules of thumb than biological laws. For a long time they were close enough to organize society around, but we’re now seeing they are wrong enough often that we’re having to figure it out. That is different from simply claiming to be something different than you are, like a cat. Or a Brick, as has so cleverly been raised repeatedly here as an example. So wherever you fall on whether kids should be allowed to go to school as a cat it really shouldnt impact your view on gender non-conformity in kids. But if we make yet another concession and say it is, that still isnt why more and more classrooms are being reported as having cat litter. That isn’t to accommodate the kids who say they are cats. Its part of their active shooter preparation kits. To give kids who are in lockdown a place to go so they dont piss their pants.

So in short, the story almost certainly isnt true. Even if it is it doesnt really impact the debate on gender conformity. And even if that does, that isnt why classrooms have cat litter


Someone identifying as a cat (if that is what is going on, which as it’s a rag like the Washington Examiner, I strongly doubt) does not say anything at all about trans people. It’s a wild, sensationalist story that is being used to discredit a more understood and medically recognised condition for no other reason than transphobia.

Let’s start by calling out the shithouse nature of the article. It’s starts off highlighting a few cases of trans people who have changed gender, and then immediately snaps into and now look at this - the intention being to suggest that gender dysmorphia is a slippery slope to people identifying as animals, bundling them together as the same thing and describing it all as madness. Sorry, but whoever wrote that is a nasty cunt.

Then let’s have a conversation about examples like this where people are right on the edge of reason. I don’t know what the answer is. Part of me thinks it’s mental illness and should be treated as such, and part of me thinks if they aren’t causing any harm to anyone else, leave them to it. But I do know that cases like this where we don’t really know what do, doesn’t mean we stop treating and responding issues like Gender Dysmorphia. The fact that there is a line where we think things might have gone too far, doesn’t mean we can’t have courses of action for scenarios that that are nowhere near it.

and I’m sitting here telling you it IS. my sister has told me this has happened on more than one occasion.

I believe the line that the school principal was not officially quoted as saying, was that it’s not the school board’s responsibility to provide education and/or sanitary, exclusive bathroom facilities for domestic or wild animals. If that student chooses to portray themselves as such (not 100% of the wording here), it’s the responsibility of the guardians of that animal to look after it responsibly.

It doesn’t matter. It has absolutely nothing in common with gender dysmorphia. Absolutely nothing at all.

It’s like saying my mate knows a bloke who is sexually attracted to cars, so therefore we need to have a long think about whether anything other than heterosexuality should be tolerated.

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Thanks mate.

And you’d accept that wouldn’t you.

It would have to be a really nice car.

silly me thinking I had engaged you in conversation. Yet here you are, telling me that I’m wrong.

Fuck sake.

I’m telling you what I think. If you want to believe that a girl in Australia who thinks she is a cat (if that is what is happening) says anything about Trans people, you go right ahead.

Really? The car has to be attractive for you to believe? That’s carist without question and I claim my £5.

fucking hell. I’m not even going to reply to this, go back and read the fucking conversation before you start interjecting.


I don’t really understand what I’ve done to upset you here.

You posted a story and asked the question ‘what about this?’ Did you want people to comment or not? What were you expecting?


The stereotype for Italian cars is style over substance, so it holds true.
