Racism and all the bad -isms

I’m far from an expert on the matter, but all the talk of identifying as animals, and the fuss around it, is rubbish, and not worthy of attention. It seems as though it detracts from a legitimate issue with how to support the trans community, that needs care and sensitivity, but instead, we prefer to trade in outrage and incredulity over peripheral shite.

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At least according to the retelling I read that uses, allegedly, first hand accounts, the only people who mentioned identifying as a cat were the kids who filmed the argument with the teacher. According to that retelling a different group of students were having a conversation about issues of identity when these 2 other kids butted in, started misrepresenting what these other kids were saying and offering the same sort of misguided rebuttals we’ve seen all over this thread. The disagree the teacher then started intervening in was as much as about the other kids telling them to fuck off and leave them alone as it was about defending the idea that people can identify as anything they want to.

We’re at a stage where a bunch of kids winding up their teacher are driving the political discourse.
It’s beyond ridiculous.


“to the hope that better representation in Hollywood films will educate us out of our biases.”

Or kill the industry which is exactly what’s happening.

You’ve watched the sludge being churned out of late that’s 100% representation and zero story? Marvel and Starwars are now the playgrounds for the crazed leftists. Can’t bring myself to watch Dial of Mental Density. White male hero uttely patronised, usurped and emasculated by the stronger, better, more diverse woman. Rey says hello. Same with race, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor are now all effectively black. Why? Because the studios are run by people who can’t write new stories and must just appropriate famous legacy charachters for their own political ends. Bond was always going to be black, but that’s certainly not how he’s written and ONLY done for diversity and reperesentation. Is the actor the best person for the job? I doubt it but he is the best person to tick those precious boxes.

I have no issue whatsoever with skin colour or sex. Just don’t swap beloved charachters into something they never were. Write new charachters and stories, it’s very, very simple.


I find your lack of faith in the force… Disappointing.

It’s ironic that there are those who espouse the power of the free market, but who simultaneously criticise diversity in show business.
It is a business, and it has identified a gap in the market. For years, films and comics were marketed almost exclusively at white boys, but now, the corporations which produce this material have realised that there are millions of girls/women/people from other cultural backgrounds who want to see themselves portrayed in these stories. They are simply acting as companies do in the capitalist system.
Personally, I’m with Taika:


The problem with that argument is that the current era of Marvel movies, for example, are commercial disasters. That in turn is a major reason why Disney has lost half of its value in the past two years. The gap they have identified is turning out not to be a particularly valuable one, and the company is in free fall because of the decisions they have made to chase them.

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The female characters they write these days simply suck, that’s the biggest problem imo. Not because they’re female, but because they’re shit characters.


It is absolutely mind-blowing that Lucasfilm has allowed Kennedy to do the same thing to now essentially all of its established intellectual property/characters, without a single real commercial success to show for it.


It goes deeper than that though. Firstly the stories tend to be poor. Secondly the writers trash existing characters. There’s almost a theme that if your a legend that is now elderly you’ll be miserable, depressed and useless. Those attributes go completely against what made those characters special to begin with.

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And it’s demonstrably not worked. They’ve alienated the legacy fans and failed to find new ones.

You be my guest.

So, it’s not being woke, it’s being crap.


Also there are so many defining stories that can be told for comic book characters.

What’s the defining story for a female character like Phoenix or Scarlet witch ? The phoenix / dark phoenix saga and the house of M.

That’s already been done in a very bad way. Most comic book characters don’t translate well into the big screen. Some do , but most don’t.

The studios made a hash of the characters that do translate well into the big screen and I don’t see a way back for comic Book genre movies for quite a while now. Too much overload of idiotic stories and the same origin stories told over and over again.

Well except the spider verse series that is , those are works of art.

Same goes for star wars btw , when you know that the extended universe … Kotor etc have better stories than the mainstream Lucas ones , you are fucked. Even clone wars the series is better in terms of character building than the other Lucas ones hands down.

No, you’re missing this. It’s exactly as I explained. It’s killing / replacing men with diverse women to attract an audience that isn’t interested whilst actively hating on legacy fans to appease the woke activists that have KK as their god. The force is female dontcha know.

Kenobi, female lead
Mandalorian, female lead
Boba Fett fuck knows in a bath
Sequal trilogy world’s most hidious Mary Sue

Get my point? And get that Kenobi and Mando sex swapped the lead? Who replaced Black Panther? It’s agenda that’s the problem. Tell us a story without agenda politics. Disney might get some fans back.

Might be too late.


As she’s in charge, she fires (ironically) the cannon.

And they fail to attract new audiences, because the female characters suck. Wednesday was a hit because it apparently touched on something loads of girls could identify with, most of which will have never seen any of the older Addams Family versions. Wasn’t for me personally, but that’s ok.