Racism and all the bad -isms

Sure, I just think it’s an entirely personal crusade by her, and not some agenda to please a certain group. She’s driving it on her own, but I’m happy to be corrected on that.

Given that she’s still in post maybe others are happy with her approach after all? :thinking:

It’s a bizarre stance by Disney to be honest.

Haven’t seen Kenobi as the reviews have been ghastly.

I think w.r.t black panther , they didn’t have any choice as Chadwick boseman died. The character’s sister does become the black panther in the comics though. So it’s not as if they are pandering to the female audiences.

Mando , I’ve yet to see the third season. So no comments.

In all of history, an actor has never been recast by somebody similar to carry on the roll. Nope, never happened.

And because just possibly girls are less likely to want to watch a film about explosions, fighting and big robots in space? Women prefer people, men prefer things.

Of course my wife only prefers people films because she was brought up under the oppression of the patriarchy.

Should be fun……

Possibly. The problem is that the two are almost identical sets for the movies in question. The creative people have served up steaming pile after steaming pile and seen it produced simply because it is ‘woke’, as if recasting with a visible minority/woman/gay is all they really need to do. The market is saying otherwise.

Women on average may demand more character development, but your principal complaint boils down to that too (Mary Sue).

The Game of Thrones series found a remarkably gender-balanced audience, despite being horrifically violent and dark at times. That in the end is probably because Martin is actually quite good at creating living female characters - which is really weird when you look at him and his life. But those series have more compelling and evolving female characters than all of this current era of Marvel/Lucasfilm/Disney product put together…even if horrible stuff ends up happening to them.


Don’t agree. Even a film like Top Gun Maverick had something like 42 % female audience. Definitely do not agree that women don’t like ‘things’ either…
Something like Star Wars is essentially Fantasy in space, and that’s a genre that loads of women like. Personally think there could have been a lot of potential in that, but not with that writing.

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I know I’m going to sound terribly old fashioned, but here goes:

I’ve lost a lot of interest in cinema as CGI has grown. Most of the Marvel and Disney generated stuff, including the over expansion of the Star Wars sphere, leaves me cold.

I want the human connection. I want a good story, well told and crafted.

Far too many films now just seem formulaic, and the special effects are way overblown and way overdone. I probably sound like my granddad now, but it’s a bag of shite!

One of the best films I have seen in a long while was unexpected, just going through Netflix to look for a film with my wife, as we had an evening in.

Tom Hanks in A Man Called Otto.

No special effects. Not a big blockbuster or anything like that. And I don’t want to oversell it as though it was a seminal film or anything like that.

But the human element of it drew me in. The story, the character, the everyday relatability.

I think Iron Man was the first Marvel movie, and I liked that one. The effects and everything were all there, but the character was there too, as Tony Stark was developed. As a stand alone I liked Black Panther as well.

But overall, the plethora of films in the modern age - Marvel, Disney, Star Wars, and assorted spin offs - leaves me uninterested.


I’m not sure why, but I was under the impression that you aren’t a teenage girl.

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I’m glad you got the point I was trying to make. Exactly, I wasn’t the target audience and that’s ok.

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They also had a brilliantly diverse cast. Just done as you’d expect. Darker skins in the south, pasty white way up north. As it would have been in an age with so little tech.

Tom Cruise is eye candy. Mrs loved the original because she loved Tom Cruise. As it happens both films were brilliant but they were more than smashy crashy army movies.

Wasn’t what I said. Prefer my friend, prefer.

Yeah don’t agree with that either in general.
And if men prefer things…all these new Disney films have all the ‘things’, the explosions, the gadgets, the starships, the battles. And yet loads of men, including you, complain, mainly about the people/characters in it. Clearly matters a lot to them.

You talk about shitting on legacy fans, but in the Black Panther comics, Shuri replaces T’chala when he is left in a coma after Doom kicks his arse. So how you can complain about a female character that took over a role in the comics doing the same thing in the films?

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So do it when his character gets to that point.

Matters more to the people ramming it in in the first place.

Bit difficult when the lead actor in the film kicks the bucket before they get to delve into that side of the story.

As I said, cast a replacement. Don’t substitute him for her.

Chadwick Boseman made the role. You think Robert Downey Jr would be recasted in Iron Man ? or any of the lead MCU actors for that matter ?