Racism and all the bad -isms

As you wish. The beauty of discussions with you, and I’m sure you feel the same, is that we continue to be utterly opposed on so many subjects no matter how hard we try. We’re either shite at making what we perceive to be simple points or too entrenched in our own worlds to listen.

I’ll try to simplify. I’m interested in and take notice and research topics that interest me. I assume you’re the same. I have no reason to be interested in institutional racism or sexism in the police as basically it doesn’t interest or affect me. Not a complicated stance IMHO. I’m sceptical of people who seem to have an agenda against an organisation I have no reason to doubt.

Comes of my hideous white privilege I guess. Have I denounced it this week? I can’t remember.

As for scruffy nerf hearder, I’d kill to have Han’s sartorial elegance.

Basically yes. You don’t have to apologise for it but the reason you are able to not care about institutional racism is that you’re white and therefore largely unaffected by it.


There are lots of things I’n unaffected by, should I research them all?

Do what you want, doesn’t affect my life. That’s my privilege.

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I don’t think it’s a matter of in depth research. A good place to start would be not dismissing things out of hand because you aren’t personally affected.

Multiple reports and countless people’s personal testimony is that there is a significant problem with racism in the police. Women similarly complain of sexism and misogeny.

There are two very obvious reasons why you have personally never experienced racism or sexism from the police.

And on Han Solo. Undoubtedly cool as the proverbial. Also a sex pest.

1:50 if you want see why Han Solo is a cunt. But the whole video is worth watching.

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Come on guys, tone down a notch.

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To be fair, things have changed a lot since then. After all, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


At the same time, we should not apply the bigotry of low expectations just because he’s from a society that doesn’t have “western” values.

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Could somebody please point me to a couple of examples of where somebody suffering from the curse of white privilege has thrown off their oppressive shackles and purposely and deliberately stepped aside to make way for someone of colour

For instance - “Actor ashamed of his white privilege gives up multi million dollar role in favour of unknown black actor”

Or “Pop Star ashamed of their white privilege steps aside so that singers of colour can have more exposure”

Or even better " Author Peggy McIntosh who is convinced she has benefitted unfairly from her skin colour has given up her six figure academic salary and handed her position over to a more deserving person of colour."

Or - Ashamed by his white privilege, University student gives up his place in favour of a person of colour.

Or has anyone here or someone you know, substantially altered their lives in order to fight the scourge of white privilege ?

Or is this whole white privilege concept words not deeds and theory not practice?

Just looking for specific deeds and actions - who knows I may even get converted.

I get that you can watch Harrison Ford movies through a lens of sexism.

But I watched interesting video the other week, what if you gender swapped some leading woman in movie roles. Talked about a few movies. Titanic, Back to the Future and others.

We all remember that scene in Back to the Future where Marty Mc Fly is knocked over, and his mum (his age) looks after him. Calls him Calvin Klein from his underwear. If the roles are reversed it becomes a bit creepy. Imagine a guy bringing an unconscious girl to his bedroom. Undresses her, and thinks her name is Victoria Secret from her underwear. When she wakes up there he is, giving weird sexual vibes.

Lorraine GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

Or Titantic. If instead of it being a poor rich boy falling for a rich girl. It was the other way around. How would a movie theatre react the thought of poor girl sacrificing herself to save the rich upper class guy. It loses something. :rofl:

the sinking i love you GIF

Not to mention basic instinct with Sharon Stone. The vibe becomes very different if its a man doing it.

groundskeeper willie kilt GIF


Don’t get me started on Titanic. How about sharing the raft - it’s clearly big enough. Or if it’s not, take turns. Take half hour shifts or something. Stupid film.

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I devised a very clever way of getting out of seeing Titanic at the cinema. My then girlfriend was desperate to see it; I wasn’t so keen.

Me: You only want to see it to see Leonardo Di Caprio
Her: Yeah
Me: Okay; I’ll do you a deal. You go and swoon over him and I’ll take a copy of Penthouse and a torch and enjoy that for two hours. Deal?
Her: silence.


I don’t think anyone is asking that. What is being asked of you is fairly simple, and well expressed by @Kopstar


Your very clever way was you threatening to be creepy as fuck?


It worked.

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Perhaps the writers are also a bit off piste as well?

Yeah gave me that sinking feeling.

backing up homer simpson GIF


Where’s your spoiler alert? FFS.

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Correct. White privilege is taken by some to mean that are doing something wrong or need to change themselves. That’s not the point. A person with white privilege can have a bloody hard life - it’s just that their skin colour doesn’t make it harder.

All that is being asked is to acknowledge this point and not dismiss out-of-hand the requests to improve a system that does make the lives of non-white people harder.

However, I agree with Dave on his live version of Black when he said “if you still don’t get it then you’re never going to get it”. At some point people who can’t/won’t understand this basic idea just need to be ignored and left behind.