Rafael "Rafa" Benítez Maudes

Imagine Levy and Rafa! Now that would spark fireworks.

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if he goes to Everton, he will still be a great in my mind, but I definitely again will wonder what is that motivation? If you go to say a club like Man U, I would hate it too but at least it is a big club globally. To go to Everton just because of the city does not seem like a great motivating factor too…but he has made strange moves, so if he really does sign, all the best to him, but we still gonna shit down on them whether we play them.


When he left Liverpool FC he and his his family have stayed in Merseyside. He, and his wife/daughters are proper Merseysiders, have done loads for the community. He’s hard as nails Rafa, happy to take on a challenge, and pay the bills.

When you’re his age, looking for work, and a job comes up 15 mins from home - no brainer.

Of course, there will be a small minority of Blues that don’t take to him - he won the Europa League at Chelsea, and they still hated him - but water off a ducks back. There will unfortunately also be a few reds who won’t be pleased.

For me, his standing doesn’t change at all taking over Everton - if anything, I think watching the Everton lot squirm makes it worth it!

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This is so disgusting, to threaten a member of their local community like this. I hope the police find out who threatened Rafa.


If he does take the Everton job I think things will get worse before they get better. Ironically it’s one of the few times when it’d be better to take over after the season starts so there’s no big long summer of rabid fans whipping themselves into a frenzy and the football can be the focus. Now every recruitment decision, everything said in press conferences and interviews, it’ll all be twisted up and turned toxic.

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This was outside his house wasn’t it? I remember Rooney being threatened when he was going to sign for Cheaty. You half expect it from the ratpeople of Manchester but this? This is absurd. Who the fuck do those little fools think they are?!

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Consider for a second that someone out there, some spiteful little Everton supporting twat, actually had the thought that a good thing to do would be to threaten Rafa at his home. Now, we are not fully in control of the random dark thoughts that pop into our minds, but we can usually just shake them off and allow the rational bit to govern us. But he didn’t do that. He didn’t think ‘Ah, no. That’s stupid’ - he actually got a bedsheet and wrote ‘we know where you live’ on it. And in standing back and surveying his work, again he could have recognising what a complete tool he was being and called it a day. But he actually left his house with the bedsheet and put it on Rafa’s wall.

There were so many junctures in this episode where common sense and decency could have prevailed, but here we are with a football manager being threatened at his home for considering managing a football club, because some fans are thick, entitled, arrogant bellends.


I’ve said it before: I wish him all the best if he gets the job. He wasn’t just good for our club - he was good for the entire city. And regardless of the media narrative, I know Evertonians (including in my own family) who have a lot of respect for him, particularly due to his unwavering support for the Hillsborough families.

And I also partially agree with the Tony Evans (who wrote the excellent Two Tribes about Liverpool/Everton’s 85-86 season) point that there was a time when Liverpool fans didn’t have the burning hatred for Everton that this generation has. Unlike some, I don’t want to see Everton go down (although that’s partially because I want to be beating them every year!). That said, it’s upsetting to see Rafa suffering the abuse he is from sections of the Blues’ fanbase. Some people need to grow up. And the fans threatening him and his family can f*ck all the way off.


Ah seriously if he takes that job I will lose respect for him - more so out of what he is prepared to put his family through more so than any red/blue thing

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That suggests Rafa will somehow be responsible or culpable for abuse he receives. I don’t think that’s really fair or right. He should be able to take any managerial job he likes without getting death threats ffs.


Thing is and I’m going off on a tangent but they won’t let him succeed.

Any bad result and they will get scorn, irony is he would have been a better appointment last summer.

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Hatred for Everton is not exclusive to the younger generation. I also remember the days when even I didn’t dislike Everton. But I’m afraid all that started to change mid to late eighties and it was brought about by the Everton fans attitude towards us. Their jealousy turned to bitterness and obsession, about everything to do with LFC. How do I feel about them now? I can’t fucking stand them and the sooner they’re relegated, the better. I wish Rafa all the best, but I don’t want him to go there, I believe he’s making a mistake.
Oh yeh, the thick bluenoses, put the the sheet outside the wrong house! So, they don’t know where Rafa lives.


This is so embarrassing… Idiots

Merseyside Police are investigating a “threatening” anti-Rafael Benitez banner hung close to the Spaniard’s home on the Wirral overnight.


I personally don’t think the bile he’d get is worth it although strangely enough it come more from their side than ours. Most of our fans have moved on, don’t like the idea but know that Rafa was a stalwart of LFC and the City and will let him be. Anything with a connection to Red is a cause for rancid bile and hatred for the majority on the blue side, though, ffs they had a go at their manager for putting red baubles on a Christmas tree, and Rafa will get endlessly more hatred from them than he will get from us.

Also strangely enough, I think that’s the reason he might just take the job and everyone be damned. He’s a bit contrarian, Rafa, and I love him for it.


Just would like to ask, was it true, when relations were better, if Liverpool were not in competitions, the locals would support Everton going through ? I am talking about 44-55 years ago?

There are families who are mixed Blues and Reds. One brother would be Blue and the other 2 brothers would be Red, living in the same house.

That’s probably true. When I was about 14 or 15, I used to go to the occasional Everton game as well. Not to support them, but just to watch a game of football. That was when you could just walk up to the turnstile and pay cash to get in.


You still can at Goodison. In fact, they pay you.


You see, my uncle’s inlaws were abit of a mixed family, more Reds than Blues though. It seemed friendly rivalry in those days, this was according to my uncle. Now, he thinks they are just a bunch of les miserables.

Also, when in the city in 2010 to watch a match (against Sunderland), it was when Hodgson was in charge. In most of the places to eat, I saw more Evertonians than Liverpool Reds. They were okay with us wooly supporters though.

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