Rafael "Rafa" Benítez Maudes

But what does that achieve? How many managers have Everton had? How many will they have? Most optimistic view possible what will he achieve there?

The line about football being more important than life or death we repeat for banter a lot but of all clubs we know it’s not true.

To make a meaningful stand against racism, sectarianism, homophobia or something then fine yes, stand up to the scumbags of this world and hope your family come out the other side fine because you’re achieving something.

But Rafa knowingly taking on a footballing challenge that he doesn’t need to even though it could lead to some bitter, twisted individual putting someone in Rafas family in danger? No, sorry. That’s just stupidity, would never do something like that.

It doesn’t have to be Everton and if he was to ever take the Everton job he should wait and take it mid season after someone is sacked. As it stands this is a no win situation, by the time his team finally get to show what they can do on the football pitch the less reasonable fans over there will be whipped up into a frothing mass of unreasonable hatred.

If I was Rafa I wouldn’t take that position potentially putting my family in the firing line. People take the piss that the banner/blanket was left outside the wrong house, it won’t be long before they’ve seen which house it actually is. To me it’s really not a funny matter. I know Everton fans who are twisted enough they could try something, on the same hand I know some proper strange Liverpool fans I wouldn’t trust in the same situation, say Alex Ferguson was set to be appointed LFC manager I’d be worried about what they’d try and do to stop it.

I just don’t see why Everton should be such a perfect job that someone would be willing to take it on despite this negative shit. Its not worth it.

It is Rafa’s business where he works. We had some special times together at Liverpool. That will never be forgotten. He is part of our history.

If he is the new Everton manager, we all might have a view, but it is irrelevant i whether Rafa takes the job, as it is his choice. It’s not difficult to see how it tarnishes Rafa in the eyes of some reds. It’s not difficult to see how many Everton fans won’t want it either. And I can well imagine it will cause some grief for their owner.

If he wins some games there - and I really rate him as a top coach, then they will grudgingly respect him, but they won’t love him. Rafa is an astute fella and he will know that. Equally, he will know that the shelf life of an Everton manager is about 5 mins these days, so I doubt he is expecting a dynastic decade at the helm.

It’s his life. Good luck to him. To a point, of course. It is Everton.


More sheets :rofl:



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I don’t think I could take a job if the fans showed that much dislike to me beforehand. Seems pointless to take it. Never will be liked. Will lose the respect of a good few Liverpool fans also. Like that picture of former managers that gets shown in the KOP with shankley, Rafa and Jürgen etc on it, surely Rafa will have to be removed if he’s in charge of Everton. Seems a tad Micheal Owen-ish, won’t be accepted by any fan base by the end of this.

Wait a minute… You’ve had Carlo and now Rafa and you’re still shit?


If Rafa was so concerned about working back on Merseyside, why didn’t he go for the Tranmere Rovers job before Micky Mellon got in there? He’d have saved himself £3.60 a day in Mersey Tunnel charges each day as well.



A lot will depend on the start they make, if they win a few games starting off they will get behind Rafa and will be thinking about a title challenge just like last season but we have a fair idea where they will finish 8888888888.

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Rafa’s standing as one of the best will never diminished in my heart even if he takes up the Everton job, unless he goes on to say garbage about us, he will always have a place in my and I am sure most of our fan’s hearts.

But as I said before, it still puzzles me why he would take this job. I mean he loves the city, we get that, but would you love the city so much to take a job so shitty? I mean, there is simply no sporting reason to take up this job…for similar level of clubs, there would be plenty who would want Rafa. Rafa 's level as a manager, is way better than Everton’s level. But like some of you said, he has no need to justify his choices to us. And the respect will be there for him as long he keeps the competitiveness purely on the sporting side.


I mind Mo Johnston back in 89 agreeing to re-join Celtic,
then at the last moment changing his mind and singing for Rangers
and becoming only the 2nd player to ever play for both the Gers and the Celts.

and he was the first openly Catholic player to play for the Gers.

the teddy bears fans were out on the streets burning Rangers tops and season tickets!

a few goals down the line, and the gers fans were cheering him on!

a few good signings and wins by Rafa, and all will be forgotten by the bitters,
football can be a very shallow game.


From the look of the bedsheets, this is probably one sad cunt. No more than a couple.

Most of the comments I’ve seen from Everton fans seem reasonably supportive. At what point do you let the very, very small minority of dickheads dictate a course of action?


Stumptown GIF by ABC Network


Rafa is over 60 now, so he can use his free Mersey travel pass! He can get the train from West Kirby to Hunts Cross, then either get a bus or walk to Finch Farm. Thus also avoiding the tunnel charge, it won’t cost him a penny. Simples!!


Haha, of course. I should have known that as Mrs CDO and myself use our travel passes for days out in Chester and Southport. :+1::nerd_face:

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As I do, it’s brilliant. I’m only half a mile from Hunts Cross station.

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Apparently Rafa has arrived at Finch Farm, ahead of his unveiling.

In 3yrs time when Rafa’s contract is up…
the same fans that don’t want him now, will be on their knees praying that he stays for another 3…


In his own way, Rafa can bring down the bitters toxicity and their fixation with liverpool. This is assuming he wins the #7th place trophy.

If it means losing the fans who support everton just cause they don’t like liverpool. Then moshiri and usmanov would probably take that. The business of Football is going to be majorly about who gets the newer fanbase. And the newer fanbase is only going to come in when they see good positive football and some tangible results…

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I’ve always respected Rafa. No matter where he went you could feel that if Liverpool were to offer him his old job back he would have grabbed it with both hands. So I wish him well except when he plays us. Who knows, he may just get Everton to start taking points off both the Manchester teams as well as Chelsea.


This is so awkward seeing Rafa in Blue and White😳.
Anyhow, I wish Rafa all the best except against us, but he can’t be a legend for us anymore :expressionless:


I hope he asks for a couch and they give him a lampshade.
Then gets sacked, take the loot go home.

And everton get relegated with their lampshade

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