Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

Sorry there are peaceful protests and then there is what happened today.

Breaking into a ground, throwing flares and bottles at police and stewards is not peaceful protesting.


Oh, and the ā€œprotestersā€ were also at the hotel as well.

Itā€™s clear their aim was to stop the match going ahead


[quote=ā€œObanite, post:464, topic:1867, full:trueā€]
My point is that I stand in solidarity with fans protesting broadly against corporate greed. [/quote]

Iā€™m sure the could have get the game postponed ā€špeacefullyā€™ - blocking the streets / donā€™t letting the teams travel etc.

Storming a stadium is a crime. Throwing pyros, chairs and cameras is a crime.

Supporting that stuff is stupid.


Mate, the new Police & Crime bill the government are putting through will make virtually any form of protest beyond silently marching a few yards down the street a crime anyway.

I happen to believe the scale of crime the billionaire class inflict on society is a tad worse than the odd scruff chucking a chair about to be quite honest.

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@Obanite I understand your grievances against the billionaire owners and the sense of solidarity with whoever protests against them. But I seriously doubt if there was any seriousness or sincerity in the lot that invaded the ground. Climbing up the goalpost, uprooting the corner flags, trashing a camera, walking around the pitch, with a toddler, hardly epitomizes anything heartfelt let alone serious.


On a lighter note.


You missed all the banners and chants about the owners thenā€¦?

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Speaking of lighter points, Maria, Iā€™m surprised how angry some of you lot are at some of the wilder fans tearing apart Old Trafford from the inside :joy:


No, you canā€™t.

Like it or not, Liverpool, United, Arsenal and pretty much every club in the country is a privately owned business.

Politicians can say what they like to garner some favour but they canā€™t force people to sell their businesses to someone else.

The fans did a huge amount to show G&H how unpopular they were but ultimately it wasnā€™t the fans that drove them out. It was their falling out and money. And when the club was available for Ā£300m the fans could have bought half or even all of it. But we didnā€™t because how do you raise that money? How do you give thousands of fans a say and who represents them?

Its a pipe dream that isnā€™t going to happen so letā€™s focus on things we can change, not pie in the sky ideas taken completely out of context from the original source.


If you donā€™t mind me asking what crime has the billionaire class committed against you?

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I knew all along they would not beat us today. :grinning:


So pie in the sky itā€™s literally model that exists in another country and is a topic for discussion in an upcoming government-led fan reviewā€¦

Yes, letā€™s just give up on something that has been forced onto the agenda and is now actively being considered by people in positions of power because we forced them to.

Honestly, mate, if no one in this world ever challenged big business, there would never be any progressive change anywhere. There are numerous examples of business owners forced to sell for a raft of reasons. Football clubs arenā€™t personal fiefdoms that they have a God given right to because of cash. Theyā€™re institutions - and thatā€™s why the work of Spirit of Shankly, and others, is so important.

hahaha - other than hoarding wealth at a time when inequality is dramatic and millions of children are in poverty in this country?

I donā€™t want to make this too political, but ask a silly questionā€¦ :sweat_smile:


Iā€™m confused here, maybe itā€™s my age. On the one hand weā€™re supposed to despise the billionaire owners of our football clubs but then, when weā€™re demanding tens of millions of pounds be spent on signing new players, who is it we turn to, to put their hands in their pockets to provide the funds? Itā€™s the billionaire owners and we donā€™t despise them then, do we?


Man Utd should have the points docked for failing to fulfill the fixture.
They wonā€™t as the TV paymasters want to broadcast this game due to global fan base.
The cause of the protest is worthy.
The methodology of the protest is lacking.
Covid concerns, chucking bottles, smashing camera - weā€™ve all seen worse, but it is still not justified.
Gary Neville is a gobshite. Learned it from Fergie. Trying to set the agenda and bend the messaging to what he wants it to be about.

Over and out.


Yes, pie in the sky.

German clubs werenā€™t privately owned. They were community owned. Then they were allowed to sell up to 49% to private investors. The situation is entirely different in this and most other countries and the opportunity for that model was missed some time ago.

Government can review what they want but this will not happen without a massive collapse in football in this country. The government are just jumping on the bandwagon for a bit of good publicity. It isnā€™t being considered seriously by anyone and if the government even tried to force it through it would get tied up in so much legal red tape because you canā€™t pick one type of company and force them to be majority owned by a certain group. Or are all sports clubs going to be subject to the same rules? What about all entertainment companies? I demand Dyson be owned by the people so go make James Dyson sell up please.

Its not going to happen.


Itā€™s really hard not to despise that creep.


How do things become community owned in the first place?

And, no doubt thatā€™s what the government are doing. But social movements of people push governments and big businesses into concessions all the time. Itā€™s how they work.

and also thisā€¦

scumbagsā€¦ Why do you need to bring carrier bags full of fosters to a protest?


No oneā€™s defending that or the scummy chants about Hillsborough/Scousers. Thereā€™s a bigger picture to this discussion, though.