Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

Lets double down on this fan ownership stuff! Fifa, Uefa, NBA, NHL, Twitter, FaceBook, Google, Nike, Telsa, Microsoft, Apple, Walmart, Amazon, the convenience store down the road from me, etc, all these places need to be owned (50 + 1) by the people who use them. All you people (and by that I mean, non believers) need to wake up, refuse to use/watch these products until the government forces these owners to sell to the people! I don’t understand the theory of just going after football owners for 50+1, so shortsighted.


Just took this from the guardian write up

Fans’ anger at the Glazers control – for a perceived lack of investment in the club on and off the field and a failure to keep up with rivals Manchester City and Liverpool on the pitch – has sharpened since the announcement of the European Super League a fortnight ago.

Lack of investment? What the actual fuck?

If their anger was being shit at running a football club, then fair enough.


This has proper fucked United up. Surely their owners won’t be rushing to invest. Just take 200m a year out of the club like they do but don’t give as much as they used to back and wait to sell for massive money. Could go like Mike Ashley very easily. Could be another 10 years after this season before they see a trophy

It’s a nice theory, but the big buck are made from a successful Utd.

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Thats the exact point Souness rammed down gobshite Keane’s throat. Since the Glazers took over they have spent over a billion quid and have 2nd highest net spend behind City Keane tried his hardest to hush this truth up.


There is another bloke on YouTube a Man U fan can’t remember his name says they only invest to make the Champions league. When they are in they don’t invest.

That’s admirable mate. Haven’t heard about any environmental protests since that Extinction Rebellion group. Had been a while since I’d heard about any before that as well.

I guess either the environment issues are solved, or peaceful protest is easily ignored. Not sure which one? :thinking:

Police Officers injured today apparently, one seriously. Peaceful protest eh?


A slashed face, very peaceful.

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All they had to do was protest outside OT, wave their placards, shout slogans and appear on cameras, but no they took it to extremes…on the pitch, outside hotels, in changing rooms, damaging cameras and items of property., throwing bottles and cans, injuring police officers (they’d probably be the first to ring the police for help)…Quiet Protests, I think not…


MoD saying a thousand fans outside the stadium and one hundred inside. Already the media are downplaying this, utterly disgraceful.

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Well said Mr shearer…
Also did we see any of the same’protests’ from Spurs fans today…they nearly joined ESL…no just the mancs to embarrass themselves.


Man on motd nearly used the covid lock up as an excuse…
I knew it had to be mentioned.

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I picked up on that also. Utter bollocks!

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Not a word from Carra when Neville was somehow mentioning Liverpool. That spitting incident really turned him into a Sky twat


Some of them were probably in the stadium for their first time today.

50 + 1 at LFC would mean the fans would need to raise over 1.5 billion pounds. I remember a scheme in the past (many years ago) trying to raise a lump sum to buy a slice of the club. Didn’t happen when we were available for a few hundred million. Now? It’s not pie in the sky, it’s laughably impossible.


I really hope so. I (during anormal season have to take responsibility CDO there 20+ times a year. I fear for our players’ wellbeing. But if they want to go to the Asda by the etihad they have lovely pizza and fries. Oh, BTW, death to Citoil. Just coz they’re playing Chelsea next. COYR YNWA D🤓

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It will be frustrating if Manures are not penalized beyond just a fine or warning. A points deduction will be beneficial from the PL perspective to ensure that fans planning to do the same for their club will hit their club directly where it hurts. For me, protesting outside the stadium is fine, but to rush and breached a secure location, alot without masks during a pandemic, and forcing stewards and stadium staff who were not supposed to come in contact with fans, putting their own health at risks, this is deplorable or will this kind of action be put on a pedestal and be framed as “all noble causes would have to have some sacrifices”. Whoever breached the stadium and could be identified need to be dealt by the law and sent to prison.


Then why not 100+0?

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