Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

So 50+1 is the concept that a millionaire or billionaire comes in and pay millions and even billions for 49% and have no say in how to run the club? Great idea!


I feel the majority of this shit at Old Trafford today is purely to get the Glazers out of their club but using the ESL farce as an excuse to warrant going to the lengths they did,and to try softening up fans of every other club to understand the reason behind it.

The Glazers have taken almost 2 Billion out of the club,set them back to being just a top 6 club over the last 8 years,no real competition to City and donā€™t look like getting any closer to them,the Glazers are like H&G but just lucky enough to own a club rich enough to syphon off huge sums of cash every year without it massively effecting the clubs transfer funds,in comparison with itā€™s competitors.

Donā€™t get me wrong,if it got to the point where every fan needed to stick together and protest about the game being totally lost to greedy owners,i get that,iā€™d be all for it but this shit today just seemed like United fans have lost patience with the owners and have no other way but to riot and cause friction to get them to leave.


And honestly, the Glazers probably have profited more than they put in over the years and if they want to play hardball with the fans, let the club be the collateral damage, let it go to the drains, let it go bankrupt, let it be relegated, let it go bust and there will be no more Manures (not that I mind), and if that is what the fans want, so be it. The Glazers have taken enough money, they will walk if they want to but to piss the fans off, they can just not leave, what can you the fans do? You riot, you protest, ok, we get penalized, and when enough is enough, lets just shut the whole club down.


I think it can be structured so that it becomes beneficial to everyone in the long run. Itā€™s the long run that complicates the issue I feel. Iā€™m looking with interest how things turn out at Bordeaux and will read up on what went on at Saint Etienne.

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Net spend, last 10 transfer windows according to Transmarkt

ManC Ā£406 million
ManU Ā£374 million
Chelsea Ā£247 million
Arsenal Ā£215 million
Spurs Ā£175 million
Liverpool Ā£116 million

Since the 2008-09 season, the first season after ManC were purchased by Sheikh Mansour

ManC Ā£1,278 million
ManU Ā£823 million
Chelsea Ā£551 million
Arsenal Ā£419 million
Liverpool Ā£321 million
Spurs Ā£228 million

So the idea that the Glazers arenā€™t supporting ManU is rubbish.


Do share those with us. Iā€™m interested.

The Glazers have made enough money as it is. Man Utd isnā€™t a drain on their finances. First Allied Corporation their holding company reported net income to the range of 9 billion USD in 2010. They donā€™t need to siphon money from United.

Nobody needs to be paid Ā£100k per week.

But we donā€™t complain about that, do we?


Nope they donā€™t. Point still remains though. The narrative that the United fans push is that the Glazers are asset stripping. They arenā€™t. Yes, They did a leveraged buyout which is legal at that time, but the debt has essentially been paid off. And thereā€™s still enough money to make obscene transfers and ridiculously high salaries even considering they did squat post fergy.

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Good morning. Any indications of when this will be played?

Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll arrange something that accommodates Manchester United as much and the Premier Leagueā€™s broadcast obligations. That other 3rd party involved in this game (LFC) doesnā€™t matter.

The right thing to do would be for this game to be played before their EL return leg. Anything else benefits the devil.


Exactly why United should have the book thrown at them and the points given to us. The idea that this was some kind of altruistic protest that we need to stand in solidarity with because itā€™s an up yours to establishment and a path away from evil billionaire ownership stealing our soul is laughable. United fans are only doing it because a PL win is still no further in sight than before and a CL win is pie in the sky. Absolutely guaranfuckingteed the vast majority of the people out there yesterday would be perfectly pleased with an oil baron/sheik/state entity figure who would buy them, ostensibly rid them of debt and spend City like figures of money.

I donā€™t know much about the UK but I have heard these arguments about privatisation rumble on in the background so a quick Google with links.

I am not going to get into the good or bad of it but your public institutions have been privatised, your National Healthcare is looking like going that way along with your universities etc. Football is alternatively described as just a game and not that important to being the most important depending on how the situation needs to be interpreted at the time for maximum impact so is football really the hill to be dying on when it comes to capitalism and greed when there are other institutions that life is more dependent on that have ā€˜fallenā€™ into the maw?

The protest has been spun to make the motives of the protest into something that is laudable, worthy of defense and something we should stand in solidarity with and yet again, just as with the ESL, the chief architects of this is the Sky cohort with its United mouthpieces being enabled by their colleagues who know which side their slice of bread is buttered on. Money talks, the masses listen. As always.


Good morning and I have the same question.

p.s. I really donā€™t care why what went on went on and who thinks whoā€™s to blame.

Exactly right. There is as much chance of England deciding to establish a 50+1 law for privately owned football clubs, than doing the same for Royal Bank of Scotland, Shell, BP or HSBC.

Iā€™m afraid that this is the reality of the world we live in.


Damn missed that protest - I was at the Vegan Rights protest in Brighton.

Looking at my diary I may have an opening on the 13th June if we can organise a protest for that day?

May 9th - Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) - Support Clown Rights Now !!
Make yourself heard - bring a bicycle horn. Free unicycle parking.

May 16th - CND March - Help celebrate 100 years of CND by marching through Salisbury - Many FREE classes on the day including - ā€œWhere to spray your CND sign - Underpass or Subway?ā€ and Why personal hygiene really does not matter". Guest speaker via video link from Moscow - Vlad (the lad) Putin Fun for all ages.

May 23rd - Save the Lobster March - The lobster is facing extinction - join us in a march around the beautiful fishing port of Hull to save this courageous crustacean. Special guest speaker Jordan Peterson.

May 30th - The Protest Song Workshop Day - Chipping Norton Yoga and Meditation Centre.

Do you want to learn the words to your favourite protest songs and slogans? - Then this is the place for you. Old favourites like ā€œWe shall overcomeā€ ā€œNo Justice No Peaceā€, ā€œ2,4,6,8, stop the violence stop the hate.ā€ ā€œKill the Bill,ā€ ā€œPower to the Peopleā€ and many many more. Special superstar guest presenter, former Kajagoogoo front-man Limahl. So push those pineapples and shake those trees.

June 6th- Itā€™s the BIG one - The BLM - LBGTQI - PETA - OWS - MILF - Anti D Day - Rally for Change. What are you protesting about? Well what have you got? We got them ALL here, proudly sponsored by Greenpeace and the Judean Popular Peoples Front, you do not want to miss this one, Itā€™s the protest to end all protests - just imagine the unending and eternal virtue signalling you can achieve by saying " I Was There" Itā€™s gonna be bigger than Live Aid. Book Now. Tickets are selling fast.

June 13th Grandmaā€™s eye operation or Anti ESL protest (TBC)

June 20th Tired of protests? Sick of seeing mindless violence on your TV every night? Fed up with the endless analysis of why people are protesting? Had enough of celebrities and sports stars ramming their latest cause down your throat? Well, come to the first annual Protest Against Protest Marches. Meet at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park - 11 am sharp.

We do accept (and positively encourage) sponsorship and donations - please help by sending your substantial donation to our account - The ethical investment bank C /- Barclays property investment portfolio, Sloane Square London.


After listening to Gary Nevilleā€™s words again this morning, heā€™s nothing short of a disgrace. His attempts to justify criminal behaviour by a mob of brain dead morons are disgusting and Sky Sports provided him with the platform to preach his rubbish.


Didnā€™t know you could enter a stadium in England so easy, or perhaps some people inside let them in?


Will be interesting to see how theyā€™re punished, since they couldnā€™t sort the situation out in the whole afternoon. Whatā€™s also with that fear of teamā€™s buses heading towards the stadium, thatā€™s the difference between that and when Liverpool fans throw a bottle or something? Much more ā€˜general hatredā€™, higher risk? Iā€™m a bit surprised with the whole thing, how it happened and how it dragged on.

Anyway, hopefully we play the match soon. Luckily we had a barbecue at my friendā€™s place, so it took my mind off it. I just want to see where we end up this season, what we qualify for in Europe (if we do) and to finally put an end to this season. Canā€™t wait to f*ck off to the coast, enjoy summer, follow our transfer news and wait for a better/more normal season.



There is video footage doing the rounds, of so called fans breaking into the stadium by smashing through a glass door. But according to some, in the media, their cause is honourable and their behaviour ā€˜understandableā€™. Unless of course, this had taken place at Anfield and Liverpool fans had been involved. Then, their reaction wouldā€™ve been completely different.

