Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

I disagree.

Our best chance of getting 3 points is to score more than they score


I think we can beat them.

Fuck Man United


Expect nothing and you wont be disappointed. We are going to slaughter those scums.


We the match officials to blame too. We have been fucked by them so many times this season it has become unreal.

Just look at this match, we had Oliver as the referee, fine he has no bias against us but what happened? We won on Sunday and they change it to Anthony ā€œborn and raised in Manchesterā€ Taylor and his friend Tierney as the VAR. So you know for sure United will get at least one soft penalty and we have to score from distance otherwise they will cancel it.

When we win by some miracle Thursday you will see that Manchester Kavanagh is next and if necessary they will throw in the biggest hater of them all Atkinson.


I donā€™t know why people are getting upset about Ole playing a weakened side against Leicester. Heā€™s the manager and heā€™s got every right to manage his resources as he seeā€™s fit. Itā€™s absolutely nothing to do with us.

We have to beat whatever side they put out on Thursday.


Do you think he would make the same selection (weaker team) if it would have been ManU - Liverpool tonight and then play a strong side on thursday vs Leicester?

No, he is trying to hurt us (because of the rivalry) and making excuses two days before.

Other question:
Is he doing his best to win the game tonight? Because thatā€™s whatā€™s Sport is about - to give his your best and try to win.

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I agree that Ole has every right to play whoever he wants tonight - Klopp would probably do the same.

The difference for me is - Klopp would not risk the end of a 11 games unbeaten at home record.

They have also won the last 4 at home against Leicester.

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They played two days ago. If we were playing them tonight, they may go full strength, but at the risk of their own playersā€™ wellbeing.

We have seen Klopp rotate plenty of times, and if the shoe was on the other foot, weā€™d be doing the same as Ole. Thatā€™s just football - itā€™s not some dark arts stuff.


If we had 3 games in 6 days, Klopp wouldnā€™t go full strength the preserve a recordā€¦

I literally donā€™t care. Itā€™s absolutely nothing to do with us.


And pretty much the same side we would have played against last week anyway if not weaker given that Harry Maguire wonā€™t be there. Fans on Radio Merseyside last night seemed unanimous that the postponement has given us an advantage.

Just hope we can actually make that advantage count :roll_eyes:

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I think the postponement has given us an advantage

It probably has given Leicester an advantage too though

Is it a given that we would beat the supposedly weakened team they are going to put out tonight?

This season we have beaten supposedly ā€œstrongā€ sides and lost to a number of much weaker sides ā€¦

We have to beat whatever thatā€™s put is in front of us and I think we have in us to do so.

So it gave both teams an advantage?

Of course he has the right.
But if we did the same our integrity would be questioned.

Ferguson singled out players for performances against Newcastle years ago, supported by his SKY minions at the time and ate into Keegans head. Warnock had a go at Liverpool for weakening a team against relegation strugglers.

If Leicester were 8th or 9th in the table there would be no question of giving advantage to another team. Right now its down to Utd giving Leicester the easier ride, in a cynical attempt to deny Liverpool CL football and to maybe take us out of the market for players they are chasing (Sancho etc).

Its cynical, lacks integrity and you know Liverpool would be pilloried for the same action.


Itā€™s hypocritical to whine about Solskjaerā€™s selection when we all know that if the roles were reversed we would be demanding from Klopp to do the exact same thing.

They have 4 matches in 8 days. Itā€™s only normal to rotate according to the importance of the games. We are their biggest rivals and vice-versa; Plus, it makes sense to prioritise us. They can hurt us for next year as well by making sure that our recruitment suffers without the lure of CL football.

Canā€™t believe that I am actually defending Solskjaer.

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I canā€™t believe anyone is.
The universe is out of kilter when something like that happens.

What I expect from the scum , think no protests, supporters rather die than give 3 pts, strong team Thursday weak team against Leicester.
As saidā€¦ its what we do that counts.

We will finish where we deserve to finish. All we can do is try and win our next four games. If we donā€™t get CL then frankly we havenā€™t deserved it.