Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

@LondonRich @Nobluff you missed these gags earlier today; which were deleted shortly after :sweat_smile:

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Sorry about that. The jokes were gash anyway. Please delete!!!

All I ask is that if we do sign him that someone please closes this thread in the fashion of 2001’s infamous So Solid Crew - “Romeo Done”

I’ve just been on Twitter. Apparently, we’re “seriously exploring Lavia” and we will be “swooping”. Sounds more like alien abduction than the transfer of a player.

Getting bored with this. Can’t wait for the Women’s World Cup to start.

Think of their poor husbands… there won’t be a shirt ironed for weeks.


Already!?!?! Got another 7 weeks of this kind of fun to go yet, strap yeself in lad gonna be a good’un.

cool analysis on the kid

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This is one sexist trope that I wish was true. Wife hasn’t ironed a single shirt since we met, and I HATE doing it!



Semd this to john henry

that was actually a pretty good blog thingo.

buy him.

im onboard the Lavia train with captain Illok


You’ve got a few weeks of people looking at fitness exercises and claiming they are meaningful in some way ahead of the new season.

Entirely redundant also. Decent non iron shirts. The right wash cycle and hang them out on actual hangers as soon as the cycle finishes. Romeo done. Not owned an iron for a decade.

I did… he said, “no bueno”…

I have a suspicion who really wrote this article ….

I did late-night speed-runs of ~10 matches

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I still struggle to come to terms with the fact that people actually listened to this shite… and thought it was good.

Haven’t had a shirt that needed ironing for over 25 years, shop with an eye to what you don’t need to iron. :grinning:

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Oh it hasn’t started? No wonder. I was wondering when we are signing our next player. We must waiting for the tournament to be over before we sign and announce anyone


Women’s world cup??? Crap.
Old Lady No GIF by BrownSugarApp

I’m not paying close enough attention, but didn’t we just have a Women’s World Cup?

I won’t watch it closely, but I might see a game when it gets to the sharp end. It’s easy to be casually sexist about the whole thing, as we feast on a regular diet watching Liverpool compete at the top of the men’s game.

But good luck to the women. Years ago America was miles ahead, as they had a college system and a large pool of players to choose from. But with the advent of the women’s professional game, the depth in other nations has improved a lot too, so the whole thing is more competitive and the standard is going up.

The Lionesses seemed to capture the attention of the nation not too long ago, and I hope that can be built on, and that all of them start to get paid good money.