Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

No we dont. It depends on circumstances.

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what dont we understand about £50m??? the increases of £3m are just stupid.
Soton have said all along its £50m, not £37m, not £42m and not £45m - £50M!!!
Its £50m, now either bid that or leave it but stop embarrsing yourselfs.


But which other player involved such lengthy negotiations?

Yes, because selling clubs never drop their prices do they?


Did West Ham with Rice? Will Brighton with Moses?
They have made it clear from day 1 its £50m nothing less.
why are we acting so small time like we dont have a pot to piss in?
Someone at the club has some explaining to do if we cant afford £50m

I trust the club completely, they have given us no reason whatsoever to doubt them.

Just hurry the fuck up you useless kents.


The next one is going be 49m isn’t it :joy:


Maybe LFC are just teasing with each offer to keep the pot boiling until the window shuts… keeping him locked down at Soton away from anyone else until January

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What’s the point? Like if he was leaving on a free next summer then perhaps.

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Waste two weeks then probably have to pay initial asking price. United negotiation level thought.

Have they though. Where have they actually come out and said £50m gets the deal done?

I’m not talking Joyce and Reddy. I’m not talking Leonzio Fanucci, Casper Leclercq or some other European sounding twitter account. Where has someone from Southampton actually verbalised this for everyone to be so sure £50m has always been their figure?


Well, no prizes for guessing what our 4th bid will be.

We will be paying another 20m if that’s the case.

Probably because we don’t have a pot to piss in?

haha. I miss old days with my mom in our local market.

We are angling like a car bank regular.

“How much for this?”
“Will you take 25p”

I can imagine our transfer strategy being like a game of deal or no deal.

FSG have 50 boxes with transfer fee values in them, ranging from 1m to 50m

We target a player and out chief negotiator gets to choose 3 :joy:

We’ll just end up with a knock off midfielder which is broken or missing parts.

Never go out with a Desi.

My missus tried to get ‘two for the price of one’ at the Apple store today.

Maybe we need to get her on Jorg’s team.