Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

Almost my sentiments

Pulling the wool over the fans eyes and most falling for it.

It’s nobluff.


No but you can get more favourable payment terms. I think you understand this but being a whinny moaner is more fun for you.

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Unfortunately if there’s one thing no one will ever be able to stop, it’s fan reaction. People will react in their own ways to certain things being published on the club…some will buy into it, some laugh it off, some vent their frustration, some won’t see any need to give it any attention, others will start a new thread etc.

It doesn’t stop the fans right to discuss the parts we do know, to paint a clearer picture in their minds by extracting key points in time to get a better understanding if nothing else not because they pretend to know better or have a better understanding, they want to be able to understand i.e fans desire clarity (whether you, I or anyone else think that’s right or wrong).

whining like this???

Whine Give GIF - Whine Give Up GIFs

or like this
Soca Dance GIF - Soca Dance Whining GIFs wine dance

make up your mind @RER, which is it??

It’s all irrelevant, though. What fans think doesn’t matter one iota- it’s what the club knows that matters.

One of the most important lessons to learn in life is that you should only concern yourself with things within your control; don’t get stressed by things which aren’t.


Liverpool are expected to make another offer for Romeo Lavia & the player has given the club reassurances he’'d like to join. -



Now where’s that elderly woman gif “Anotherrrrr oneeee?”

I’ve no problem with opinions, we’re all here because we have them and want to discuss them.

But the certainty some people have about what the club are or aren’t doing is laughable at times. People get so wound up by what they see on the surface level and then start making assumptions about what’s happening behind the scenes in order to fit that.

Take your post. You’ve suggested we’ve “wasted £4m in time on the kid”. What does that even mean? What £4m are you referring to? Then you’ve assumed we’ll have to overspend on who we do get if it isn’t him. You’ve then decided Southampton aren’t budging on their valuation despite three reasonable bids. You also think a fourth bid is crazy?

There’s an awful of assumptions and guesswork in all of that based on a few tweets. I think we’re all often guilty of getting so wrapped up in it we just make our own version of the truth because we can’t actually know the real truth. If that’s the case then just enjoy the ride, see what the outcome is at the end of it all.


Is he trustable? When Chelsea’s 48 million bid gets rejected guess this bid should do the trick then. I don’t think we will bid 49 million now :slight_smile:

How are Caicedo or Lavia worth so much more than a world cup winner like Mac?

No release clause?


he’ll have limited playing time here, too.

We haven’t wasted anything. Technically we have saved money because we are not paying him, also in this time we have had Fab and Hendo also removed from the payroll.

People need to keep calm, I’m confident the club will get somebody in at the right time.

I am fairly certain the haggling with Southampton is to do with payment terms, they want more upfront whereas we want a structured deal. We should be backing the club on this, if they buckled to fan pressure and just paid up 50m upfront you can kiss goodbye to signing a CB, I think any further business relys on us getting our DM Target on favorable payment terms.


Do you work for the LFC PR department … :sunglasses:

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No but I do work in Finance, so I tend to think about all aspects of Transfer Business which helps me think of things from both sides. I could be wrong at the end of the day we are all just guessing.

But We have signed Macca and Szobo, both on Release clauses so we will have had to pony up that cash upfront, what was that 90m-100m.leaving the cash reserves, I know we got some of that back. But I could Imagine a scenario within the club where they have say 50-70m left to use, and if they want two players they have to think of a creative way of getting those 2 payers in they want.

If they have to spunk 50m upfront then we are only getting one player, if they can get 2 players where we pay 30m upfront that can be done that is the preferable option and maybe why the talks are dragging…

This could also be the reason we are lookng at Caicedo, if the club has decided we cannot get Lavia without paying all upfront, is it better business going for Caicedo and fixing the defence in the next window.

I don’t know, anyway thats my 2p’s worth. I’m not worrying about anything until the window shuts, nothing anyone can do.


Ok so let me ask you this, if we don’t end up signing the kid, do you not think that would’ve been 2 weeks wasted chasing a player a) we didn’t think was worth the clubs valuation of from the start and b) a club that showed no signs to compromise with us on a deal…from the start?

The negotiating could well be over them wanting upfront payment and us wanting favourable terms…we can all speculate until we’re blue in the face but IF the club knows Southampton’s stance and we have no intention of giving in to their demands (which appears to be put up or get lost)…then what are we waiting around for?

general election uk GIF by BBC

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