Science and Technology

Post this here. I love this. May the Metaverse crash under its own overhyped weight. Long live the real world!!!


Im not going to post it here in case it gives anyone nightmares, but if you havent seen it search for that new micoscopic pic of an ants face. Itā€™s the face of satan.

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Yeah, itā€™s funny, although quite misleading. :joy: I assume itā€™s this one you are thinking about?

Thats horridā€¦
and to think they always join in when you have a picnic :0)

My god the BBC dumbs it down to Reception levelā€¦

Was just reading that myself, and whilst interesting, I donā€™t fully understand the whole thing, and I wager there are plenty more people out there that will likely feel the same.

Nuclear fusion is a massive thing, but we are far away from being able to produce power at an industrial scale from that technology.

Still, itā€™s one further step: you put an amount of energy in, and at the end of the operation, you get more energy out of it. That confirms the theory.

But in order to heat 15 kettles today, an investment of $3 billions + was neededā€¦ not really cost-efficient yetā€¦ :wink:


No but ITER should (should) show the way forward. Just the little matter of not having a clue as to how to insulate the crazy temperaturesā€¦

Fusion has been around the corner for 50 years and looks like continuing to be. Hope I see it in my lifetime, I suspect weā€™ll put people on Mars first.

Clever Romans.


Whilst watching the music channel todayā€¦saw something like thisā€¦in the group Slipknotā€¦eeeeekkkk!!!

You know you live in a very affluent society running out of good ideas to work on when one of your leading universities does this.

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What a waste, I want the creme to stick on one wafer not both. Just goes to show the biscuit was a bad design in the 1st place. Like jammy dodgers, just buy a tart!

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Stupid headline because this has been predicted for about 100 years, but its incredibly important experimental evidence solidifying our understanding of quantum physics and an important step in connecting its bizarre predictions with other branches of science.

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This is pretty cool

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This cropped up on my YT feed last night. Sent it to Jnr. I quote ā€œThanks FATHER :weary:ā€

Actually very good, great on a long drive:

I remember for Maths GCSE spending a Sunday afternoon with a friend trying to get our heads round Silly Old Harry. Got there in the end (Maths was never my strong point)

But this is, as you say, very cool. I can follow most of this but I get the concept:

Interesting discussion on the real story behind the elucidation of the structure of DNA

Textbooks attribute this to Watson and Crick. For a long time, at least since I was in school, Rosalind Franklin was credit as having produced some of the foundational data used to finalize the W&C model, and in recent years the narrative has formed that attitudes of the time towards women in science meant that Franklinā€™s discovery and scientific credit was stolen from her. This review of primary historical documents gives a much more nuanced take.

Science if full of examples of people producing data that has big implications in areas other than the scientist if exploring and so needs someone else to pick it up and flesh out those implications. This appears to be at the heart of the Franklin DNA story. Her data was useful but not critical to W&C, and her area of focus meant she was unlikely to ever use it to develop the double helix model W&C eventually published.

Word is that there is a BIG announcement coming on Thursday from an international team investigating gravitational waves. This is very unscience like to preempt the actual announcement with hype like this so whatever it is must be really fucking big. I imagine what is going on behind the scences now is an expedited form of peer review with other groups checking their work and conclusions before they go live with it.

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