The all-new NFL Thread

Very entertained to have found this thread here. LFC is really the only team that I have ever been genuinely interested in, but I was a half-hearted Giants fan as a kid, mainly because I saw supporting the Patriots being like — what I would later realize is the equivalent of — supporting United.

(To be clear, I hate United significantly more than the Patriots, and most of my family are Pats fans, so I don’t have as much flexibility in the matter. That said, both are similarly obnoxious, and it’s been hilarious to watch Pats fans make sense of being way out of contention after a long spell of dominance, much like United.)

Having lived in Patriots country my entire life, I remember the first super bowl they won (XXXVI vs. Rams, I was 10) and a lot of my fourth-grade class decided to become Pats fans the day after. Some of them had worn hats before, fair enough, but the majority seemed to suddenly come out of the woodwork as Patriots fans. (I know, they’re kids, but I was still annoyed.) Just to make a point, I decided that I wouldn’t like the Patriots and would support another team. I hated the color green, so the Jets were out, and the Giants were the next-closest team, and they were blue and red, so I went with them. (Kid logic.)

They were shit for many years while the Patriots won more and more, but then 2008 ** came along and, against all odds, the Giants were in the Super Bowl against the (then) undefeated Patriots. I heard over and over about how the Patriots were going to win, it was going to be a blowout, etc., ignoring the fact that the Giants had played the Pats in the last regular-season game and only lost by 3 points. “Objectively, the Patriots will probably win,” I said, “but the Giants are peaking at the right time.” I was summarily dismissed, only for the Giants to pull off the upset, and I was the biggest asshole in the world the next day, wearing my Giants jersey to school and screaming in people’s faces. I wouldn’t do it that way again, but they couldn’t say it wasn’t coming.

Four years later, in college: same pairing, same result. Not as much dickheaded-ness on my part but I was still happy to rub it in. You reap what you sow!

** Rant: I strongly dislike that the NFL refers to Super Bowls by the season they’re played in instead of the actual year in which the Super Bowl takes place. For example, the Giants win (played February 3, 2008) is sometimes referred to as the “2007 Super Bowl”. No! It’s either the 2008 or the 2007-08 SB, but not the 2007 SB. End rant.


Miller, Donald and Quinn is a ridiculous defensive line

Ah I think I maybe meant Floyd

As for my team, our #1 WR has just killed someone while driving drunk at 3am.

Thoughts with the victim’s family.

I am frankly, simply undone by the stupidity of the Rodgers covid situation. Green Bay should face serious consequences for allowing that ‘I have been immunized’ nonsense.

It’s fine, he’s taking ivermectin :roll_eyes:

making millions a year but too cheap to take an UBER in fucking Las Vegas. Not like it’s hard to find a taxi FFS.

Driving 156 mph (250 kph), he wasn’t simply looking to get from point A to B.

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You know that feeling you get when you stay up all night only for your team not to bother showing up…

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Are you a jets fan?

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I asked because when I used to get up at all hours to watch the Colts (a long time ago) the thing that consoled me was that the Jets were worst. :rofl: (… and just to make everyone happy at times the Pats were worst as well)

One thing that has always bugged me, and I have no idea why, but when US sports are talking about a specific game, the media always address it as Away Team @ Home Team

Does ayone know why the media do this?

or why it shits me so much? :rofl:

I need to watch the whole 1st half of the Colts at Bills. From the scoreline they are thumping them good and proper like! :partying_face:

Bills missing starting LB and run stuffing DT… but Colts are just running it down their throat. It’s ugly (from bills perspective)

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I love the running game and Colts have got theirs together, only Jags have managed to stiffle it.

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Raining, wet, cold, and windy in Buffalo today. Bills gave a few turnovers (fumbled a kickoff and gave it to Colts on 2 yard line), bills just never got going despite Allen having some nice throws. Colts just came in and kicked our ass.

Who will be watching the game tonight?

I was able to go to the bills pats game. 4 quarter celebration in the stands, was never in doubt. It was frigging amazing.

If we can manage against the chiefs (what a game this should be!), they’ll be playing in Buffalo again, and there’s a good chance I’ll be going to AFC championship game. Go Bills!


Normally dont give a shit about the NFL season but was very emotional watching that field goal go over last night. Fuck Green Bay and Fuck Rodgers.

I expect him to complain on ESPN and some enormously successful podcast/radio show about how the NFL is censoring him by not allowing him to play next week.


Well shit. 13 damn seconds.