The Anfield Noise - Users

No it isn’t!

I do to protect my long sensitive feet!

I lurked around TIA for years before creating an account and then before posting as well. Quite a lot might be of the same disposition

The TIA forum was shutdown a couple of months after I joined.

But you still decided to hang around? :astonished:

Sort of tells a whole story of its own right there :0)

Hello Mods, are you there?

Could you please merge the two Australia threads?

One is called Downunder and the other is Straya or something like that.



Done and done!

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So long folks, I’m out of here. Take care.

It was fun while it lasted.

Don’t go mate, we all make jokes that 0.001% of the population don’t find funny.


If someone said you looked like a ladyboy, how would you react?


And we have to do everything possible to make sure they’re happy/unoffended

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I wouldn’t care less. Anyway, how would Alice know?

Why was my post replying to that deleted ?

It’s an image.

I’d laugh. As unlike some, I haven’t wilfully given up my sense of humour.

Anyway, there’s little point in debating, as in my view, the decision taken by whichever Mod deleted by post is absolutely ridiculous. There wasn’t a single grain of malice in my post and clearly posted in a humorous context, but let’s not worry about context. If you’re going to Mod the forum to keep the perpetually offended happy then you’re fighting a losing battle on two fronts (they never will be and you’ll turn “normal” folk away).

In the interest of fairness to all users, will the same Mod go through every post on the forum and remove every post where somebody is described in an “offensive” manner, be it in jest or not? For example, I sure Harry Maguire would be deeply offended that people have said he looks like a slabhead or Jamie Vardy won’t like being compared to Steptoe.

After three years being a member of this wonderful community, my time here is up. It’s sad it has ended in this manner, but to be accused of posting offensive/abusive/hateful content, when it was clearly (an attempt) at humour rather than malicious, is just plain wrong.

@ISMF, can you please delete my account.

Thanks all, I wish you nothing but the best.


Do you think Alice is a member on this forum :see_no_evil:

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Please don’t go.

Hey I understand what you mean. I had one joke deleted away too, which decision I disagreed with and made it known so. To me it was the joke section,so it’s like going to a comedy show to get offended.

However, I also understand a mod can only moderate to the best of his or her abilities and that could be ruled by their own world view or belief system. I am sure it’s not personal and in a forum, someone has to take a decision and usually you can’t please everyone. You might be taking this differently how I did, but hope you could still hang around.


Your a great member DublinRed.

But it seems a strange hill to die on. Would I have deleted your post ? probably not.

But if I had been on the receiving end, my reaction probably would have been

Ehhh ? meh

…. and then would have forgotten about it 5 seconds later

I think you are probably reading far more into a automated response which is leading to a misunderstanding.

When someone flags a post (any post) a mod gets a pop up. Basically they have 3 options. Agree, disagree or comments (which escalates it). If a mod clicks agree an automated response is sent (what you received) and post deleted, if they click disagree nothing happens.

A mod probably spent all of 5 seconds thinking about it, before clicking agree thinking nothing of it.

I have no problem deleting your account, but I am thinking it’s probably an overreaction to a misunderstanding so a bit reluctant to do it right away.


While you’re at it, can you please delete everyone’s account except mine? Thanks.

Actually- you can stay. Need someone to run the place.