The Anfield Noise - Users

I sometimes wonder if I’ve been naughty too.Lately half the time TAN won’t open or takes ages,I come back later and it opens.Doesn’t happen with any other sites I go to.I can live with it,but it is annoying!

It’s easy to criticise the mods. They literally can’t win. If 50 members think this is wrong and only one complained, the needs of the many?

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Thanks for letting me know, just found that data was getting low. Just cleaned up 20gb to free up space !


Another way to look at this… We have a singular over-sensitive forumite that has an obsession to flag posts willy-nilly…
Could even be a mod from a rival site doing it to cause unnecessary disruption… but probably not.
It seems that there is a ‘discussion traitor’ amongst us, and I would hope, that the mods on here, are doing whatever they can to weed out this nansy-pansy - I would also hope the TAN mods introduce a system that requires a reason from the complainant for the offence taken… If that reason is justified, then remove the post deemed offensive… but to simply flag something, be it on a whim, or even a grudge against the person laying down the post… then for a single mod to take responsibility, as sole interpretor… well seems like a flaw in the system that is open to abuse, and is abused, by a certain calibre of poster…
Would be good, if the same one or two names kept cropping up, being Premier League complainers as they may be… for if this is the case… maybe it is these that need jettisoning from the site… NOT, those that make good and interesting contribution…!
Just an afterthought… wonder if these ‘non-entities’ be as brazen to moan to the hierarchy, if they had to put their names alongside the complaint that would be displayed across the site… Nah didn’t think so.!
For what it is worth… and it might need remembering… the site for various reasons, has lost many good members in the past 12months… If there was an ever replenishing pool of like-for-like, then it could be put down to natural wastage… but if the numbers are continuing to dwindle… then I suggest this spiral of desertion, needs to be addressed by the Mods for the benefit for those that remain…!

A discussion traitor? Wtf!?

Shocked Glitter GIF by Nickelodeon

It might be too time consuming but unless the flagged post is of obvious distress then all other flagged posts should be escalated to find out is there really an issue.Did the poster read it wrong,accidentally flag it or has an issue with another poster.

Talk about a mountain out of a molehill…


Just want to highlight some numbers.

Forum is very lightly moderated. Since the inception just 3 posters have been suspended.

In terms of numbers by all metrics are very positive.

  • 1M page views in last 2 months
  • 20,000 posts last month
  • DAU/MAU (engagement) 77% ( >40% considered very good, >60% considered excellent)
  • Average of 110 unique users posting each day
  • 20 sign ups last month

Compared to this time a year ago

  • 700,000 page views over 2 months
  • 16,000 posts
  • DAU/MAU 64%
  • Average 99 users posting each day
  • 4 sign ups

Been positive linear trend.

In terms of google for our ranking is rising quickly overtaking some long standing forums (Six crazy minutes, The Liverpool way, LFC online, IrishKop, Koptalk etc)

Currently we have 531 posters.

Some good posters have left, many good posters have also returned. We have also seen new active members.

I was holding off highlighting these numbers as in a few months we will hit 1M liked posts. However wanted to push back against suggestions the site is in decline when the opposite is true (site is growing both in terms of active posters and those lurking)



Can I politely ask if you have found the time to fix the Intragram thing?

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I genuinely think you’re overreacting and I don’t think anyone wants you to leave, quite the opposite.

I for one have an issue with certain language that is sometimes being used on these boards, my opinion is that your remark was made in bad taste. I found it surprising considering that you’re a long-time poster with no history of bad behaviour, for lack of better words… And we delete quite a few of such posts without thinking for too long, as @ISMF said.

I honestly think you shouldn’t get wound up by this and react in such an extreme manner. It was a poor choice of word, it got deleted, we move on.

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Will try find time, truth is I have been snowed under at work the last few months.

It can be done, but it’s type of fix where I need to take site offline (and is a bit of a bugger) my first attempts failed. But was waiting till international window to try again


It’s not @PeachesEnRegalia though. He reports sane sensible and fair posters like me and no one really bothers… rightfully.

Thanks mate. :+1:

Do get wound up by it…it happened to me…some agree some don’t…I just point out now…when I make a comment…that …its a joke…or to be…let em get on with it…

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I was the one that flagged the post. It’s a slur that I felt has no place in our community. This comes following another poster casually using the term “tranny” last week.

If the mods reviewed the post and felt it didn’t rise to the standard of requiring moderation, I would have disagreed privately but had no complaint. I understand and accept that not everyone will have the same perspective on what constitutes hateful speech.

I had no interest in starting an unproductive argument about gender politics on the football side of the forum and preferred to allow the mods to do whatever they felt appropriate. I will not apologize for that.

The reaction to a simple post deletion – on a completely off topic tangent, by the way – is comically over the top though. In an ideal world perhaps this could have been a learning moment, but it’s clear that there’s no appetite in general to engage with these topics on face value. There’s only more of the same boring “snowflake generation” nonsense. Whatever. I’ve given up fighting that fight.

To my knowledge I’m the only openly transgender member of the forum. Maybe this isn’t even a widely known thing. But I would encourage anyone who is so outraged by this to consider the real human beings on the other side of the language and attitudes you have been thoughtlessly regurgitating for the last 30+ years because society taught you that punching down is not only acceptable but encouraged. Think about it what it means for our little community and anyone who would perhaps be thinking of joining it. Maybe upon some reflection you’ll find something to empathize with.

Or maybe you won’t. But it’s not the end of the world that someone took the mildest issue with the post. Just like it’s not the end of the world that it was made in the first place. If you really want to die on this hill, be my guest. But what actually happened here is not the witch-hunt you desperately seem to want it to be.


I didn’t know you were transgender- I must have missed where you previously posted that.

As I have always referred you you as he/him, what are your preferred pronouns?


As a complete aside, I had a post pulled on Facebook a while ago in a discussion about news getting into football grounds in the pre-internet days.

The actual phrase I used was “there would always be someone in the stands listening to a trannie.” This was once common slang for a small portable radio (“transistor radio”).

Obviously anyone of my age and social background would understand that but Facebook’s algorithm didn’t and it is also quite possible that younger people wouldn’t either. I mean, when was the last time anyone bought a valve wireless set?

This is one area that people do have to watch when posting online: not everyone will have the same cultural reference points.

I was speaking to a comedian a few months back and he was saying that there will always be someone who doesn’t get a joke for whatever reason. In a club they will probably just look bemused and if the room falls silent the comic will probably realise that it wasn’t that funny and not use that material again. Online, they may well end up with death threats. It’s a bit of a difference.

What I would suggest is that if a slur of some sort has been used in ignorance rather than anger, it may be a better idea to point this out rather than simply remove it. I think most people would not want to use potential hate speech. It would be better to educate them of than berate them.


Facebook are double standard fuckwits.

I reported a far right activists post that was homophobic and transphobic. Wrapped up in pseudo religious nonsense.
It was offensive, bordering on accusations of paedophilia.

I was informed that it didn’t breach the community standards.

Fuck me, they are clueless cunts


Not as bad as the Twits

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