You have to go to the users section in the hamburger menu, under “More”. Then you set it to “all time”, as the default is for the last week.
There are eight people on TAN with more posts than me. Can anyone guess who they are, without looking them up?
Good work surging into the top 10 posters…
First guess I will start with @The-AllMightyReds with his solid number of match day comments. Throw in @Bekloppt of course….
Quality, not quantity.
Didn’t you have a break though
Aussielad or Limie
I was only absent for three months.
Limie is second. Aussielad isn’t in the top ten.
Whilst I appreciate the love and support, sadly I am way back in the hunting pack.
What is even more surprising is to find myself behind Kopstar despite him not posting in nearly 2 years.
Three correct. Sith (7th), Magnus (8th) and Limie (2nd).
It feels like Mascot and Klopptimist have a couple of hundred thousand in the UK Politics thread alone.
It certainly feels that way, with most of those involving them arguing.
Every one of them life changing
Environment killer.
That was the only solace I took out of seeing my position
Where does @Kopstar rank? I know he is missing for a while now, but was enterprising.
I have a life.
Not really.
I have kids.
Who else thinks @cynicaloldgit started this conversation because he is 1st on the ALL TIME LIKES RECEIVED LIST???
I only found that out last night. I started the thread because someone accused me of being a spam bot.
Don’t sell yourself short…
TAN’s favourite spam bot.