The Corona Pandemic

Back to the good old days and bar stampedes when last orders are called. Followed by the customary closing hour brawl. :astonished:

In fairness to the government, closing pubs early is the only pre-cursor threat that most of these neanderthals understand. I’ve haven’t had a pint in a pub since March.

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I wonder who let them reopen? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What is this ‘pub’ thing you speak of?


Drink in pub till 10, AT 10.01 go drink in groups of 6 at someone’s garden.

Closing at 10pm.
The reasoning is to reduce the possible exposure time by an hour.

reducing risk vs removing risk

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Only really works until those people turn up at the pub an hour earlier.

The biggest positive move is the mandatory requirement for staff in retail and hospitality to wear face coverings.

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I was being tongue in cheek…the last time I was in a pub was probably January.

It is weird being back in the city, yesterday I forgot my mask(s). We keep some back-ups in the car, but I was halfway through a parking lost before I remembered.

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We have had that here since June, with very high levels of voluntary usage before that.

Despite that, we appear to be heading firmly into a second spike/surge/wave

Apologise for not knowing, where are you based?

I split time between Ottawa and rural West Quebec, with most of the summer in Quebec - especially this year.



Not sure what to make of it to be honest. There’s a whole raft of possible measures you could implement between the two extremes of no restrictions and closing completely.

They certainly do need to do something.

Understood :yum: Cant remember last time I was in a pub either.
Personally I am going back into my semi hibernation which has not been helped by a bout of Bells Palsy. I’d kind of rather not have to explain why I’ve started to look like Sylvester Stallone.
I had a camping trip with friends booked for this weekend. Not going, they will be gathering from all parts of the country.

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We have curtailed some planned activities too - 3 weeks ago, people were complaining about a 2 hour wait for tests, now it is more like 7. That is in part a function of the requirement for a test for a sniffly kid to go back to school, I suspect. New ‘surge’ test centers have been set up this week, ideally they will bring the waits back down to reasonable, but our plan to get mutual tests to see family who are outside our ‘bubble’ (10 people you are allowed to have no-mask contact with, everyone needs the same 10) are in suspension. At this stage it would be an irresponsible use of testing resources.


Closing pubs early just pushes punters to drink in large groups at home, in an unsupervised setting, which is only gonna spread the virus quicker.

At weekends I would agree with you. Not so sure in a midweek setting where people are more likely to have work in the morning.

Not that I think it’s enough. I don’t think these measures go far enough at all to be honest. My view is born out of how we performed during the first wave. We are very quickly approaching that same infection level, (assuming that all testing is equal).

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The pubs had to reopen. Three of my online friends work at pubs and they were pretty tight after May.

Not that I disagree but in my mind part of that problem getting to that stage was largely due to the UK’s utterly useless response during the first wave. it was nowhere near effective enough meaning the lockdown had to be longer. And because of that shambles we’re now trying to come up with some half way house that gives businesses half a chance while controlling a virus that appears to be coming back to a similar level to what it was previously.

Basically they’ve never been in control of it and this feeble measure is another example of it. i dont use this term lightly but the UK government has blood on its hands and they’re not finished yet.

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But in the UK there was little testing so impossible to say what the true infection level was…as Chris Whitty admitted yesterday.

My nephew, a nurse in Aintree Teaching Hospital, is still saying the Covid wards are empty. He said a mate working in a London hospital said the same. Not something that really needs publicising though as it just adds oxygen to the conspiracy theorists.

Yes, hence my comment on testing levels. I’m not convinced we know the actual infection levels now either for exactly the same reason!

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