The Corona Pandemic

We’ve managed to hit the 15 million target two days early (Saturday).

There’ll likely be a small dip from the 435k/day seven-day average due to Pfizer recalibrating their manufacturing. Should then pick up again in a couple of weeks.

Global daily infection number still decreasing, at spectacular speed. :+1:t2:

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Thailand has just found its first case of the South African strain - a gem trader appears to have picked it up while in Ethiopia or Tanzania. Luckily Thailand has a policy that everyone entering the country goes into quarantine and tested. He was found to have Covid, so further tests were done.

And they actually managed to catch it before it had any opportunity to spread in the community??? :open_mouth:


Depressing that just as Johnston seems to be acting, or at least sounding like he is acting, with some caution, the tory back benchers are piling on the pressure to open things up by Easter. Numb skull tory MP steve Baker of the covid recovery group (who stated that the virus was past its peak in November) leading the charge.
These are the people that have and will cause many thousands of deaths.
The scientific epidemology community must feel so pissed off


They are completely unaccountable. It’s sickening.

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The article states that 1 in 5 have had it (how reliable a study?) and that confirmed cases are just over 10 million. There’s the answer is, I suppose, not enough tests.

That said, the hospital statistics are interesting and with vaccines available should be the most important statistic. If people can be protected from serious illness and death then that’s a win, surely, regardless of the vaccine not providing complete protection from actual infection.


Oh, goody

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I don’t think you need a doctorate to predict that there will be many variants.

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quite the petri dish aren’t we?

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I think this is happening everywhere (three other countries have identified this particular variant), it’s just that most places are simply not identifying many of the mutations. From April we will apparently be sequencing every positive test.

Ah ok. Seems logical given the numbers in the US you’d think there would be mutations over there as well.

Horrible thought. Imagine a Trump variant :fearful:

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Phased return of schools to start on Monday in Scotland :open_mouth:

No risk there, none at all. Move along

please disperse naked gun GIF