The Corona Pandemic

Very disappointing. Aussies have always prided themselves on their toughness. Now they’re whingeing after a couple of weeks of lockdown. To all of us who were under restrictions from November until May, and last year, and probably this autumn, it seems petulant to be honest.


Ease up

It’s some random fuckheads

Quite a few of them, but the generally speaking we’ve buckled down and done the right thing.

One thing I’m getting tired of on here is forever having to accept that people can just assume any white Australian is a southern cross tattooed Bali visiting Pauline Hanson loving climate change denying Cretan.

We are not.

Majority are good people getting through life

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They aren’t.

They’re a southern cross tattooed Bali visiting Pauline Hanson loving climate change denying Australian.


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No we are not

There is a cross section of society that would suit that description but just because some fuckheads March in the CBD it’s no reason to claim we are all like that.

Imagine the same generalisations being made about other nations,…

K. ten characters

To be fair, most European countries have had their share of protests, with thousands gathering in the streets etc. It’s just the same thing here imo.

True, but that was mostly last year. You’d think lessons had been learned.
Surely a quick look at the efficacy of masking and lockdown restrictions around the world would be convincing.
Australia has only been in lockdown for a couple of weeks and they’re acting like they have been in long term subjugation.

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Every country in the world has generalisations directed at them. “Brits always get rowdy and bust up bars when traveling during football tournaments.” "Brits are lazy and don’t even attempt to speak the local language when holidaying in another European country. "

I’m not sure why you are sensitive to this. As an Australian, I certainly don’t get offended with this being said.

I take your point about it being a small minority. I was there during lockdown in 2020 and I personally didn’t witness anybody in my area flaunting the restrictions. But even a minority can reflect badly on an entire nation (Bondi pics April 2020). Especially a nation that, compared to most, has had to make the least adjustment to their everyday lives over the last 18 months (Melburnians may argue that point)


Great. By why only from October? Do it from the start of the season.

Agree completely

This may be a controversial comment - but I believe there are an awful lot of people world-wide desperately in search of a protest.

To quote the Marlon Brando film “The Wild One” once again -

" Hey what are you rebelling against?"

“I dunno, what you got?”

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oh no sigh GIF by BBC


I have been pinged to isolate. On the stated contact day I know for certain that I did not spend 15 minutes within 2 metres of anyone apart from my wife. :roll_eyes: and she wasn’t pinged. Was considering deleting it anyway…

@cynicaloldgit ’s next competition, world’s most overrated musician.

Worth having a test??? :thinking:

My partner has just been confirmed as having symptomatic infection for the second time. Like me, she got a symptomatic infection first time fairly early in the outbreak. She hasn’t got vaccinated as she believed her natural immunity protected her (unfortunately, natural immunity is not nearly as robust as induced immunity from an effective vaccine). Important note - I have access to antibody tests from work and so we’ve periodically done them since and confirmed we still have measurable antibodies.

However, she’s come down with something that has run the full compliment of symptoms that have knocked her out for about 2 weeks. We finally got her a test late last week and it came back as positive yesterday. Not just a normal “breakthrough infection”, but full blown symptomatic infection for a second time.

She’ll be ok, but a reminder to just get your vaccine, kids.


I have done a home antigen test and it was negative :+1:


Expect this to be a recurring theme over the next couple of months

More like years, unfortunately :triumph:

Amidst all the talk about vaccination, and the anecdotic events related to the virus, let’s not lose sight of the origins of this and other pandemics:

Until we collectively get a grip on that problem, pandemics will emerge in an ever-accelerating rhythm.