The Cricket Thread

And another…

And the inevitable statement of…hello, hello,…comes to mind

Nice one Johnny!!!

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To say I’m disappointed is an understatement. What looks to be a good batting wicket, everyone bar Uzzie getting well more than a start, yet no-one going on to capitalise on it all. Stinks of the batsmen being a bit blaze with their wicket because of how deep the batting lineup is.

Come on…cheer up…few days to go yet :blush:

Just 2 more before we retain them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You didn’t post that…2 posts previous…

Mostly because I desperately want to win, rather than a draw. To get so many starts and piss it up the wall is annoying.

You’ll appreciate that I’m revelling in your disappointment :slight_smile:

I would feel the same way if the roles were reversed. But then the roles would never be reversed as England would never be 2-1 up in an Ashes.

Yeah, never happened……

The BAZ tomorrow, Declare on 360 and have Aus 2 down by close :slight_smile:

Advantage Australia I’d say, should be in a stronger position given the number of wickets they gifted away.

Woakes a class above the rest again. Sticking with the pair of old timers again didn’t work.

Declare on 500…

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Advantage Aussies only due to how England bat first recently.

Clear skies and a flat pitch, if the first ball goes for 4, we all know what we’re in for. Forecast has changed a little, showers tomorrow.

Do you seriously think Aus can put another 200 runs on the board with Starc, Cummings and Hazlewood? :wink:

Perfect start.

Get the other out this over and lets crack on.

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No…us…our innings

Sorry for the confusion.l

Well Mo, you’re making me eat my criticism here. Good knock!

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