The East is Red

Ya I was just jesting because in that picture, even the other tables I don’t think I can any local people, could have easily been a bar somewhere else than Singapore.


What was the reaction to the LFC visit @gasband ?

You mean what we think of the LFC visit?

Generally it’s great. Actually it’s not just for Singaporean, we know of many in the region who flown in for this. I am fortunate I got to visit Anfield twice but for some, especially those from poorer families or region, this is as good as it gets. So usually they will enjoy it as much as possible. The lower attendance will not be repeated for the Bayern match, I heard most categories are sold out.


They should probably do what they did for Klopp in Michigan a while back. Get him to take a beer with the fans.

@legalalien hope things are alright with you.

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Thanks for that. I’m fine. Nothing ever happens here, although there was a little earthquake at exactly 11:00 PM last night which was unusual as the epicenter was out to sea. That’s more usual on the Pacific side and not here on the Japan Sea side. I fell asleep thinking about tsunami escape routes!

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that’s a horrifying thought… after Fukushima I haven’t been happier to live on a “ridge”.

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Maybe if you live on a ridge in japan you have other worries?..i met a guy who only survived the Kobe earthquake because he was sleeping on his wife’s side of the bed as she was away visiting family. :see_no_evil:

You get used to it. There is a safety helmet on the floor not five feet from me right now. In the event, don helmet and GTFO.


there’s areas of Vancouver that are built on a silt/sand river delta. Namely… Pitt Meadows, Richmond and Delta. If we get hit with a “big one” the liquefaction of the ground will likely sink large parts of those cities

my home is 100ft above sea level, high enough to be safe from a Tsunami.

I think we are about 10 meters above sea level and about 1 km from a large river. Thankfully we are closer to the mountains than the coast and I’m very familiar with the backroads. I suppose my neighbors are equally familiar with them though!

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I don’t suppose we have anyone from Korea. Over 8000 doctors are striking and the government has today threatened to sack them all.

And they should. The system is not perfect, especially they have one of the worst patient to doctors ratio. So for the government to want to increase medical students intakes and for these doctors to oppose it so violently, proves these doctors are just afraid of having more doctors and brings down their income. And the South Korean people are validating the government position rather than getting behind these people who would sacrifice the health of citizens they are supposed to help with

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