The Film Thread

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I remember going to see this having been inspired by Art Garfunkel’s song on Top Of The Pops.

It wasn’t the cheeriest of films but probably no worse than Bambi.


It’s a heart breaker for sure but to be gloriously ironic, life is not all fluffy bunnies. All kids should have pets and possibly work on a farm for a few weeks. Sorts out the facts of life / birth / death in no time. Should be a mandatory school residential, working on a farm.

Of course some parents would sue if their child was exposed to hard core cow porn. Or fucking nature as we known it. Like what I did there?


I dont know. There is some pretty graphic death scenes in it, including several rabbits getting torn to shreds by the farm dog. If you’d asked me yesterday what rating it had I would have guessed PG not U (i.e. suitable for children but the lack of U rating is an indication to parents there is some discretion to be used).

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A quick reading suggests its original U rating has been a bone of contention for some ever since it was originally given in 78

Wiki says the BBFC made the change to PG last year so Im not sure what part of the story this new BBC piece is updating.

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It’s a travesty that so many children don’t know how the “chicken “in their nuggets or the “beef” in their burgers gets there.

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Yes, absolutely. Free range chickens though please. Those poultry factories are abhorrent.

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Don’t see how this makes a difference to anything. Just another case of faux outrage from the easily triggered.


Not sure whether this was mentioned before. While I had absolutely no issue who they choose as the new Snow White, black, brown, Asian, Indian, or white …I am perplexed at how the Queen Gal Gadot is supposed to be jealous of Rachel Zegler. I know everyone has a different definition of beauty but… In terms of beauty…it wouldn’t make sense also in the original story when the Queen was jealous because Snow White was fairer than her…

No, you wouldn’t.

The idea is that the Queen is aging and losing her beauty whereas Snow White is blooming and usurping her.

Aside from the other casting decisions, Gal Gadot sounds spot on for the part. There was a version done years ago with Diana Rigg so I could see that working.

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Then explain how it does??

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OK, first question. Have you seen the film?

3m plus views, well done this man:


Atleast 4 of them didn’t look like dwarves.

theres such a thing as a black scaled fish…

maybe a black or darker toned mermaid…if there was such a thing as a mermaid in the first place…isnt becuase of sun exposure, but because of heat retention, or camoflouge in the deeper ocean.

do you accept that? and if so, would you now be happy to at least think on the subject that a pale skinned mermaid, reflecting light underwater, would be less likely to survive evolution than a darker skinned mermaid?


I was reading an article this evening which said that John Wayne’s voice was the sample processed and used for the Garindan character in Star Wars: A New Hope that you see talking to the storm troopers in Mos Eisley . I’d never heard that before.

You know how you can define any Jerry Bruckheimer film?

Fireworks-induced unnecessarily massive explosions.

You know how you can define any Mission Impossible film?

Unnecessarily elaborate stunts

Want to make money? Let Jerry Bruckheimer direct a MI movie.