The Film Thread

The best films of 2023 (so far) (

Agree with that ranking. Prey was quality!

Prey is an excellent film… well worth a watch

For me it"s

Predator 2

I didn’t really rate the others enough to rank them

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Obviously not your fault, but many of these films are from 2022. I don’t understand why they are including them.

Yeah the headline is a bit misleading…
They probably meant films from the last 12months or so.
With it being a slow Sunday night, and the list being accessible easy enough, thought someone might find something they fancy watching.

My choice is

Predator 2

I wasn’t a big fan of the AvP effort. I also haven’t seen all of The Predator but at best it’s equal to Predators.

I only rank Predator above Prey because it was first and our introduction to the franchise. If that original idea bombed the rest dont really happen as well as they did. Actually thinking about it I dont think there’s a whole lot between the top 3. Predator 2 deserves credit for going full Busey.

But it’s about objectively ranking movies. Yeah Predator gained enough popularity to prolong the franchise but if Prey is better then that’s that. It’s irrelevant that Predator was good enough

Then Predator still stands at 1 for me. Why because of the story of the hunters becoming the hunted. Hunted by something they couldn’t see, hear or even know what it was.

Interestingly Prey was almost the opposite. The lead became a hunter and it was her development story.

I hope judgements aren’t being skewed by Prey being the newer film with slicker effects and higher quality etc. :wink:

And we love Arnie’s one liners

“Sthick arouuund!”

“Get to da CHOPPAAAA!”

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No, it’s just a better put together story

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Well…soldiers (not hunters) becoming the hunted…then becoming the hunter

If you follow that reasoning, then the first of anything is the best. Was Please Please Me the best Beatles album?

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Can’t answer your question as I’ve only seen Predator, half of Predator 2 ages ago and AvP. Predator stands as a brilliant film. Same plot as Aliens (ish) and brilliantly done. Sensibly (like Jaws and Aliens) hides the baddy till towards the end. Effects are good enough but because it’s all pretty much live footage, the odd dodgy wobbly image can easily be ignored. Excellent film, couldn’t wait to share it with Jnr and loved that experience. AvP was an absolute abortion and my memory of Pred 2 is that of my mate’s older sister and that’s another story.

Prey seemed to be received well, no idea about Predators.


Not a film I’d usually be up for, but given it marked such a historic triumph in recent times in this country I kinda felt obliged to.

I’m sure there are a few other films out there based on the same story, but surprisingly not with the same name title.

Carey Mulligan as exceptional as ever, Meryl Streep was is in for what? 2 minutes if that?

Possibly one a few films you could say was not long enough.

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I know what you mean but I meant the concept. And they absolutely nailed it in the first one. As I said it just edges it for me. It’s a preference thing, rather than a universal agreement such as Alien and Aliens are far far better than anything else in that franchise.

I didnt think there was much at all in the recent Prey to justify the praise I have seen for it. It was definitely better than the unwatchable nonsense that has been everything since the Danny Glover sequel, but it still just felt like a retread of the same material of the original one. Just this time without the novelty that made the first one so exciting.

I havent seen 2 in a LONG time so don’t know where Prey stands relative to that, but I think that is the conversation in terms of where Prey stacks up. Not how it does to the original, because it just really does not.

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The interesting thing for me is how Alien and Aliens are different to each other, and so the sequel doesn’t feel simply like a re-tread of the first movie

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Anyone seen the movie Vengeance on Prime? The lead actor BJ Novak (of the office fame) wrote it as well. I thought it was solid. Better than watching the same formulaic shit they are putting out in the movies.

The Murder Podcast one? If so, I thought it was surprisingly good.

My partner invariably flakes out on any film within minutes, but it is maybe only the second film I’ve got her to sit through all the way through.