The Film Thread

Ahsoka as a character isn’t a new one. She was the life of the clone wars animated series. It’s not the same as having other series appealing to a specific audience




Watched the new Indiana Jones film ( on the internet :wink: ) last night.

No Spielberg, and tbh there was no need for this film.

CGI was good in places though

Damning with feint praise?

Andor was one of the best - if not the best - shows made last year. Good content pops up all over the place. Problem is it’s sporadic and crosses all the platforms.

Now if one company could could take all the content and put it in one place… :woozy_face: :joy:


Agreed, Andor a rare gem.

Most houses these days:
“What should we watch tonight? Rocky?” (example)
Asks Sky, not found.
Hunt through the gallimaufry of streaming companies, surprisingly it’s on the last one…… Like your keys, always in the last place you look and we all know why. you can search for which service things are on


The problem with Star Wars is that they’ve essentially kept a whole lot of Extended Universe as basically fanfiction. The storyline in the game KOTOR is probably better than the storyline in 95% of the Canon Stuff.

Was briefly in the the middle trilogy. More significantly appeared in the Mandalorian (and boba fett) series.

I’m looking forward to watching the new series.

And Ahsoka was for the people who’ve seen Clone Wars and then the follow up animated series, the rebels.


No, the problem is KK and her blindingly obvious agenda.

m c escher falling GIF

Nah, Blair’s.

Well you have to give credit where its due :grin:

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It’s like saying the costumes were nice. Or well, in fairness, they did the best job they could with the material they had.

Like Hamilton. Great production, great sets, superb performances, utterly awful score, script and lyrics.

Bit like Spurs then.

Sometimes they do some nice stuff.

But ultimately they’re shite :rofl:

For all you Bond fans:


As much as I love the Bond films, I think my souvenirs will have to stop at the Corgi DB5 which sits next to the model of a police box in my office.

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Well inspired by your posting I noticed that Sky’s James Bond selection is only on until the end of the month. So I’m currently watching Dr No. Possibly for the first time in HD.

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