The Film Thread

Finished Nikita.

Going to Jean de Florette now.

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Didn’t watch the third part of the Hobbit.

At this point, there’s no story for him to work with officially. He’ll have to write his own and that doesn’t work well.

He needed to get the rights of Silmarillon from the Tolkien Estate.

Just nail THE song, nothing else matters. Can’t wait although it absolutely should be Idena.

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Is that a film version of the musical?

Yes. Musical is superb, seen it many times with the original Lead, Idina Menzel. Whereas some shows can get away with weaker leads due to the quality of the choral stuff (Les Mis, Cats etc) Wicked needs a real star having a very good night to shine. We saw Idina’s second to last night in London. How’s this for professional. Bear in mind she’s been greening up for about 10 years and has really had enough of it. Just before the big number she’s on stage and goes arse over tit quite by accident. She starts giggling, the audience start laughing and she just loses it completely. Took her a minute to pull it back together then she absolutely nuked the building with Defying Gravity. That’s a star right there.

Watched half of Page Eight last night and may watch the second half tonight (what a ringing endorcement!)

My wife had wanted to see it in Hamburg when it was on in 2021. I think it was a mainly Dutch cast, but the whole Covid pandemic made it practically impossible to book tickets in advance.

Hopefully the film does it justice.

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Awful awful shite. OTT accents and just a nonsensical waste of time.

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New analysis from McKinsey, famed for their wokeness and commitment to DEI, found that Latino under-representation in Hollywood exists and is costing the industry $12-18billion a year in missing revenue

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Am I alone in finding Morgan Freeman’s voice annoying?

He’s made a career out of his “rich” and “redolent” voice, but to me it’s just fucking irritating.

Yeah, and if I saw him in tescos I dont think I’d want to fuck him either

Nor would I. But I am not that way inclined.

Furiosa, very good

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Dune 2 without knowing Dune 3 will happen

Yeah, me too. It was beautiful to look at, a fascinating plot, but ultimately lacking in the way it was told. Too much stuff happened that seemed disconnected, but none more than the messiah storyline…it was too disconnected from the first one and too unearned from this one alone

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Hate to say it but it gave me Matrix 2 vibes.

Without the cast it had it might have been a disaster.

I’ll watch it again back to back with the first over a weekend in case I missed stuff, plus theres much to enjoy in the visuals and sound track but like you say it has holes, almost like a giant worm went through it.

The biggest issue for Dune is that its based in the books, and the books are shite.


All the Trump trial talk made me decide to rewatch 12 Angry Men. It’s a good film, but hysterical with how inappropriate the jury was. They didnt deliberate over the cases presented, they ran their own trial. The “hero” is a menace and should be locked up with the kid with they incorrectly failed to find guilty.

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Just so i’m clear on where your coming from, you’re not a fan then?

I wanted to like it but it’s just a complete slog.